EL Collaborative News Archive
- 03/12/2024 - Important Upcoming Opportunities
- 02/29/2024 - Slide Deck for the February 2024 ML Collaborative
- 01/25/2024 - Upcoming Opportunities- Spread the Word!
- 12/20/2023 - Questions and Answers: ELPAC Interim Assessments
- 12/14/2023 - December 14th Slide Deck
- 12/11/2023 - HAVE YOU REGISTERED YET? SCOE Multilingual Learner Leadership Conference
- 12/05/2023 - Advancing Multilingual Excellence in the Classroom
- 11/29/2023 - REGISTER TODAY! SCOE Multilingual Learner Leadership Conference
- 10/22/2023 - ELPAC & CAASPP New Coordinator Trainings
- 09/23/2023 - New Webinar Series: Exploring the Field of Newcomer Education
- 09/19/2023 - FREE! The Best of GLAD: High Leverage Strategies for Multilingual Learners
- 09/18/2023 - Free World Music Festival Tickets for Students and Families
- 09/07/2023 - September 7, 2023 ML Collaborative Materials and Next Steps
- 08/31/2023 - Welcome to the 23-24 Multilingual Learner Collaborative
- 08/27/2023 - Important Reminders
- 08/13/2023 - Registering for 2023-2024
- 06/15/2023 - CDE Letter on Summative Alternative ELPAC PL 3
- 05/23/2023 - Registration is open! Family and Community Liaison Collaborative
- 05/18/2023 - May 18th ML Collaborative Follow Up
- 05/11/2023 - REMINDER- May 18th ML Collaborative
- 04/03/2023 - Wednesday, April 12th- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focus group
- 03/30/2023 - Summer Opportunities
- 03/28/2023 - Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities
- 03/10/2023 - March 9th ML Collaborative Follow Up
- 03/03/2023 - REMINDER- March 9th ML Collaborative
- 03/02/2023 - Montgomery High School
- 01/10/2023 - Multilingual Learner and Migrant PARENT Institute
- 01/05/2023 - TIME IS RUNNING OUT!
- 12/13/2022 - SPACE IS LIMITED! Register today for the SCOE Multilingual Learner Leadership Conference
- 12/02/2022 - December 2nd ML Collaborative Follow Up
- 11/30/2022 - Reminder: ML Collaborative Meeting, Friday 12/2 at 9:00am
- 11/28/2022 - REGISTER TODAY! SCOE Multilingual Learner Leadership Conference
- 11/01/2022 - Best Practices for Supporting Students who are Undocumented or Newly Arrived
- 10/10/2022 - Input Needed: Multilingual Learner Leadership Conference
- 09/10/2022 - September 8th ML Collaborative Follow Up
- 09/01/2022 - Welcome to the 22-23 Multilingual Learner Collaborative!
- 08/17/2022 - Final Registration Reminder
- 08/08/2022 - Registration Reminders
- 05/24/2022 - New ELPAC Coordinator Training
- 05/22/2022 - May 19th EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 05/12/2022 - REMINDER- EL Collaborative, 5/19
- 04/05/2022 - 2022-2023 EL Collaborative Dates
- 03/15/2022 - Reminders
- 03/11/2022 - March 10th EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 03/04/2022 - REMINDER - EL Collaborative, 3/10
- 02/17/2022 - Dual Language Immersion Grant (DLIG)
- 02/08/2022 - EL and Migrant Parent Leadership Institute- Virtual
- 01/31/2022 - Summative ELPAC Updates
- 01/24/2022 - EL Master Plan Network & EL/Migrant Parent Leadership Institute
- 12/14/2021 - Scheduling Update
- 12/03/2021 - December EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 12/01/2021 - Tomorrow! EL Collaborative, 3:00pm-4:00pm
- 11/17/2021 - REMINDER - EL Collaborative 12/2
- 11/07/2021 - LTEL Data Available, EL Master Plan Institutes
- 10/19/2021 - FAQ posted & Feedback Needed
- 10/12/2021 - Important Updates
- 10/03/2021 - Recording and Materials from 10/1 CDE Session
- 09/14/2021 - Professional Development Reminders... Register Today!
- 09/10/2021 - September EL Collaborative- Slides and Recording
- 09/09/2021 - REMINDER- EL Collaborative TODAY at 3:00pm
- 09/02/2021 - EL Collaborative- September 9th, 3:00pm-4:30pm
- 08/09/2021 - 2021-2022 EL Collaborative and Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities
- 06/17/2021 - FREE PD with Dr. Catlin Tucker! Blended Learning: The Station Rotation Model
- 06/14/2021 - Guidance for Reclassification: 2020–21 Testing Window Extension
- 06/01/2021 - REGISTER for the 21-22 EL COLLABORATIVE
- 05/25/2021 - ELPAC Updates
- 05/20/2021 - 2021 Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting
- 05/20/2021 - 2021-2022 EL Collaborative Dates, Feedback, May 18th Slides and Recording
- 05/16/2021 - LCFF Tool to Advance Equity for English Learners in the LCAP and LCP
- 05/11/2021 - REMINDER! EL Collaborative- May 18th at 3:00pm
- 05/06/2021 - Integrated and Designated ELD: Teacher as Language Coach (EL RISE! PD Opportunity)
- 05/04/2021 - Vaccine Clinics for High School Students and Families- Saturday,5/8 and Wednesday,5/12
- 04/20/2021 - Spring Testing FAQs/Guidance, CDE Newsletter, Expanded Learning Recommendations
- 04/12/2021 - Extension of Testing Window Approved & New PD Opportunities
- 03/29/2021 - CDE Assessment Update Webinar & CDE COVID-19 Assessment FAQ Updated
- 03/17/2021 - Approval of Testing Flexibility, Interpretation and Translation training, Latino Family Educational Summit
- 03/11/2021 - March EL Collaborative- Slides and Recording
- 03/09/2021 - REMINDER! EL Collaborative- March 11th, 3:00pm-4:30pm
- 02/28/2021 - ELPAC Updates from CDE
- 02/26/2021 - SBE Votes to Seek Federal Flexibilities Due to Impacts of COVID-19
- 02/23/2021 - Materials- Spring Testing Meet-Up & EL/Migrant Parent Leadership Institute
- 02/18/2021 - REMINDER: Spring Testing Meet-up, February 23rd
- 02/10/2021 - Reminder- EL/Migrant Parent Leadership Institute
- 01/27/2021 - EL Leadership Conference Folder
- 01/25/2021 - Spring Testing Meet-up, February 23rd
- 01/15/2021 - January Assessment Update Webinar & 20-21 ELPAC Test Administration Manual (in-person )
- 01/14/2021 - EL and Migrant Parent Leadership Institute- Register today!
- 01/14/2021 - Summative ELPAC Updates
- 01/10/2021 - Webinar: Title III Funding, Application, and Reporting Requirements
- 01/07/2021 - Updated CDE Reclassification Webpage
- 01/04/2021 - Spring 2021 Assessment Administration Information
- 01/03/2021 - ELPAC Updates, CDE Newsletter, Funding Opportunity
- 12/10/2020 - December EL Collaborative
- 12/04/2020 - Registration Link- Title III Webinar (CDE session)
- 12/02/2020 - EL Collaborative - December 10th at 3:00pm
- 11/29/2020 - CDE Sessions: Title III Webinars for New Program Directors
- 11/12/2020 - EL Leadership Conference- Sessions Finalized!
- 11/02/2020 - Summative ELPAC Training & CALPADS Updates
- 10/19/2020 - REMINDER- Federal Program Monitoring Technical Assistance
- 10/18/2020 - October EL Updates Newsletter from the CDE
- 10/15/2020 - The Nuts and Bolts of Interpretation and Translation
- 10/06/2020 - REGISTRATION OPEN! Federal Program Monitoring Technical Assistance
- 09/29/2020 - Reminder-ELPAC Remote Testing Meet-Up. Wednesday, September 30th, 9:00am-10:00am
- 09/26/2020 - EL Leadership Conference- NEW DATES.. and FREE!
- 09/24/2020 - September 24th EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 09/23/2020 - EL Collaborative- Tomorrow! 3:00pm
- 09/21/2020 - 45 Day Extension Signed by the Governor
- 09/15/2020 - Reminder- EL Collaborative 9/24 at 3:00pm
- 09/03/2020 - ELPAC Test Administration Options and New Policy Brief
- 09/01/2020 - Welcome!
- 08/28/2020 - Reminder- EL Updates Session on Monday
- 08/26/2020 - Action Needed: EL Collaborative 20-21
- 08/21/2020 - Assessment Spotlight
- 08/17/2020 - Important Update for ELPAC Administration
- 08/15/2020 - 20-21 EL Collaborative
- 08/13/2020 - Remote ELPAC Testing Meeting, Parent Notification Letters
- 08/12/2020 - Fall Webinar Series For Administrators
- 08/07/2020 - Sign Up Today- The CARE Collective
- 08/06/2020 - Updates and SAVE THE DATE- August 31st
- 07/27/2020 - Updates: Initial ELPAC and Fall Summative ELPAC
- 07/17/2020 - CDE EL Updates Newsletter
- 07/07/2020 - Optional Fall Administration of the Summative ELPAC Approved
- 07/01/2020 - COVID-19 Reclassification Guidance for 2019–2020 and Fall Administration
- 06/26/2020 - CDE and ETS Updates
- 06/19/2020 - Webinar: Planning for Hybrid Learning with an Equity Lens
- 06/15/2020 - Recorded Webinar- The Reopening of Schools: Prioritizing the Needs of English Learners
- 06/14/2020 - Roadmap to a Safe Reopening
- 06/08/2020 - Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California's Public Schools
- 06/06/2020 - Tuesday Webinar- Centering ELs in the Pivot to Reopening Schools
- 06/04/2020 - BCN and CALPADS/ELPAC Webinar
- 05/26/2020 - WebEx for CALPADS and ELPAC Coordinators
- 05/23/2020 - CDE Updates
- 05/20/2020 - 20-21 EL Collaborative Registration, New Webinars
- 05/15/2020 - CDE Newsletter, Moodle Question, SEAL Webinars
- 05/14/2020 - May EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 05/11/2020 - REMINDER- EL Collaborative tomorrow
- 05/06/2020 - May 6th BCN Updates (CDE)
- 05/04/2020 - EL Update Newsletter (CDE)
- 04/30/2020 - May 12th EL Collaborative Session
- 04/26/2020 - April 30th Webinar- DISTANCE LEARNING & ELLS: WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED SO FAR?
- 04/25/2020 - Updates from the CDE
- 04/24/2020 - SLIDE DECK | Designated ELD in the Distance Learning Landscape
- 04/23/2020 - TOMORROW: ELD in the Distance Learning Landscape
- 04/14/2020 - WEBINAR: ELD in the Distance Learning Landscape
- 04/12/2020 - CDE Updates Regarding English Learners
- 04/08/2020 - Upcoming Californians Together Webinars: Integrated and Designated ELD
- 04/07/2020 - REGISTRATION OPEN for "Distance Learning: Instructional Strategies and EL Support"
- 04/07/2020 - REGISTRATION OPEN for "Distance Learning: Instructional Strategies and EL Support"
- 04/06/2020 - NEW! Weekly EL Updates from the CDE
- 03/31/2020 - Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Training Changes Due to COVID-19
- 03/29/2020 - Updates
- 03/20/2020 - Update on COVID-19 and the Suspension of Statewide Testing
- 03/19/2020 - Executive Order to Suspend Standardized Testing
- 03/17/2020 - Distance Learning Resources
- 03/13/2020 - March 24th- CANCELED
- 03/12/2020 - March 24th- Virtual EL Collaborative
- 02/20/2020 - SEIS Updates and Survey Reminder
- 02/06/2020 - Follow Up Items From January 28th- SEIS, Designated Supports
- 01/28/2020 - January EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 12/20/2019 - CDE Update- Voice Capture Feature for the ELPAC
- 12/17/2019 - EL Leadership Conference- FIVE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE!
- 12/06/2019 - Questions/Answers Regarding CB ELPAC
- 12/02/2019 - EL Leadership Conference - Register Today!
- 11/15/2019 - November 2019 EL Collaboartive
- 11/03/2019 - Reminder- Brainstorm Session: Transitioning to Computer-Based ELPAC
- 11/01/2019 - Checking In
- 10/21/2019 - EL Leadership Conference - Register Today!
- 10/17/2019 - Brainstorm Session: Transitioning to Computer-Based ELPAC
- 10/16/2019 - Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners with Disabilities
- 10/09/2019 - OPTEL Field Testing
- 09/23/2019 - The Nuts and Bolts of Interpretation and Translation
- 09/17/2019 - September 2019 EL Collaborative
- 09/16/2019 - Welcome!
- 08/13/2019 - ELPAC SUMMATIVE TRAINING- October 2nd
- 06/27/2019 - New EL class listings at SCOE! Register today!
- 06/06/2019 - ELD Standards Institute
- 04/01/2019 - California Classified School Employees to Teacher Credentialing Program Grant
- 03/24/2019 - Ed Codes Specific to Assessment of English Learners for Special Education Eligibility
- 03/13/2019 - March EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 02/07/2019 - Community Engagement Survey
- 01/24/2019 - January EL Collaborative Follow up
- 01/18/2019 - Updated Reclassification Guidance for 2018–19
- 01/15/2019 - Rescheduled Workshop: English Learners and Special Education
- 12/14/2018 - EL Parent Leadership Institute
- 12/05/2018 - REGISTER TODAY! EL Leadership Conference on January 11th
- 11/26/2018 - Parent notification of language acquisition programs
- 11/19/2018 - Workshop: English Learners and Special Education
- 11/15/2018 - ELPAC Results 101- REGISTER NOW!
- 11/13/2018 - AB 3022: Retroactive High School Diplomas
- 11/08/2018 - November EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 10/12/2018 - Home Language Survey
- 10/02/2018 - October EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 09/30/2018 - Welcome!
- 06/01/2018 - May ELPAC Update
- 05/11/2018 - Scholarships for Undocumented Students
- 04/30/2018 - ELPAC Academy- Register on May 1!
- 04/23/2018 - EL Roadmap Launch and ELPAC Update
- 03/28/2018 - March 2018 ELPAC Update
- 03/28/2018 - English Learner Leadership and Legacy Initiative (ELLLI)
- 03/25/2018 - Meeting the Needs of English Learners with Disabilities Resource Book
- 03/21/2018 - Questions & Answers
- 03/13/2018 - March EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 02/28/2018 - February ELPAC Update and..SVUSD ELPAC Resources
- 01/24/2018 - January EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 01/22/2018 - January 2018 ELPAC Update
- 01/18/2018 - VERY TIME SENSITIVE: DACA Applications for Renewal Are Being Accepted Now
- 12/29/2017 - Reclassification Guidance for 2017-18
- 12/21/2017 - December ELPAC Update
- 12/06/2017 - EL Leadership Conference- Register Today!
- 11/26/2017 - Matrix Four: ELPAC
- 11/16/2017 - ELPAC Update- Issue 8
- 11/15/2017 - November EL Collaborative Follow Up
- 11/14/2017 - Leveraging the ELPAC: Deep Implications for Classroom Instruction
- 11/08/2017 - Important CELDT RETEST Deadlines
- 10/30/2017 - Disaster CalFresh for Wildfire Survivors- TIME SENSITIVE
- 10/17/2017 - Checking In
- 10/03/2017 - Answers From the CDE
- 10/02/2017 - ELPAC UPDATE- ISSUE 7
- 09/28/2017 - DACA Renewal Resources
- 09/24/2017 - September EL Collaborative Follow-UP
- 08/31/2017 - ELPAC Update- Issue 6
- 08/17/2017 - ELPAC Academy
- 08/01/2017 - ELPAC Update- Issue 5
- 07/13/2017 - ELPAC Update- Issue 4
- 06/07/2017 - ELPAC Update- Issue 3
- 05/23/2017 - ELPAC Survey for the California Department of Education
- 05/10/2017 - May EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 04/28/2017 - Reclassification Guidance
- 04/26/2017 - The ICE Advocacy Authorization Form
- 04/04/2017 - ELPAC Update from the CDE
- 03/27/2017 - March EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 03/13/2017 - Book Study Reminder
- 03/10/2017 - Latino Family Summit
- 03/02/2017 - Update on Accountability and the CELDT Test Correction Period
- 02/01/2017 - January EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 01/24/2017 - EL Parent Leadership Conference - FEBRUARY 3rd!
- 01/18/2017 - Book Study Reminder
- 12/22/2016 - Opportunity for Educators
- 12/12/2016 - EL Leadership Conference - Register Today!!
- 12/06/2016 - Upcoming ELPAC Institute
- 11/18/2016 - Book Study Reminder
- 11/16/2016 - Register Now for the EL Leadership Conference on January 13th!
- 10/25/2016 - October EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 10/24/2016 - Welcome!
- 04/07/2016 - Supporting English Learners with Disabilities Symposium
- 03/11/2016 - Homework for May 17th
- 03/07/2016 - March 15th Site Visits
- 01/28/2016 - January EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 01/20/2016 - Book Club reminder
- 01/14/2016 - Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities at SCOE
- 12/11/2015 - GED Class in Spanish
- 12/01/2015 - Important Updates
- 11/18/2015 - Homework for January 26th
- 11/12/2015 - November EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 11/06/2015 - State Board of Education votes to adopt ELA/ELD Instructional Materials
- 10/08/2015 - EL Collaborative Updates
- 09/23/2015 - Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) Materials from Sept 17-18
- 09/21/2015 - September EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 09/18/2015 - Welcome!
- 06/01/2015 - Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) Materials from May 28-29
- 05/13/2015 - May EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 04/24/2015 - Input Needed from Parents
- 04/15/2015 - Summer Workshop: Challenges & Choices, Writing for English Learners in Grades 6-12
- 04/02/2015 - 2015-16 CELDT Moodle Training Site to open April 10
- 04/01/2015 - Update on the State’s English Language Proficiency Assessments
- 03/20/2015 - March EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 03/09/2015 - CELDT Scoring Training of Trainers Materials
- 02/20/2015 - EL Services Data & Smithsonian Young Ambassadors
- 02/10/2015 - Homework for March 17: Designated ELD Vignettes from the ELA/ELD Framework
- 01/29/2015 - January EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 01/05/2015 - Registration Open: EL Leadership Conference & Parent Institute
- 12/03/2014 - Academic Language & Literacy in Every Subject (ALLIES)
- 11/24/2014 - November EL Collaborative Follow-Up
- 11/20/2014 - ELPAC Assessment Window Input – TIME SENSITIVE!
- 10/24/2014 - Free CCSS Conference at UC Davis, Nov 15
- 10/22/2014 - October EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 10/20/2014 - Welcome!
- 05/22/2014 - May EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 05/14/2014 - ELD for Common Core Success (K-6) with Tonya Ward Singer
- 04/17/2014 - Free symphony tickets for Latino families
- 04/01/2014 - Important News on Reclassification of English Learners
- 03/19/2014 - March EL Collaborative Follow-up ... and more!
- 03/11/2014 - EL Collaborative Survey
- 03/04/2014 - Empowering Parents of ELs in the LCAP process
- 02/27/2014 - LCFF and ELs: Archived Webinar Available
- 02/18/2014 - Webinar: LCFF and English Learners on Feb 24
- 01/24/2014 - January EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 12/13/2013 - Register now! EL Leadership Conference
- 12/06/2013 - Guiding Questions: Understanding Language Videos
- 12/02/2013 - Thinking Maps, Training of Trainers
- 11/22/2013 - November EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 10/21/2013 - 2013 Parent Leadership Institute is Nov 15
- 10/01/2013 - September EL Collaborative Follow-up
- 09/23/2013 - Welcome!