Important Reminders
Date: 08/27/2023
Author: Jenn Guerrero
Make Sure You are Registered for the 2023-2024 Multilingual Learner Collaborative
August 31st is the final day that this mailing list will be used. If you have not done so already, please be sure to register for the 2023-2024 ML Collaborative or you will no longer receive notifications from this page.
The AIM Institute: Affirming Instruction for Multilingual Learners
September 28th and 29th | 9:00am- 3:00pm | SCOE
This interactive professional learning opportunity is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the California ELD Standards, designated and integrated ELD instruction, and the Summative ELPAC exam. Through a wide-range of learning experiences, educators will learn how to use these elements to design meaningful instructional sequences and create educational spaces that lift up the promise, power, and genius of multilingual learners. Educators from Sonoma County districts that receive Title III funds are eligible to attend this professional learning series at no cost, which includes registration fees and sub costs. Educators who are outside of Sonoma County must pay a $250 registration fee and any associated sub costs. Register here.
Family and Community Liaison Collaborative
September 14th (first session) | 9:00am- 12:00pm | SCOE
This on-going series is designed to support the integral role of family and community liaisons in schools. Sessions will include professional learning focused on topics relevant to their role, exploration of resources they can bring back to families, and time to learn from and connect with colleagues from across the county and beyond. Register here.
Compliance and Implementation of Services for English Learners (presented by the CDE)
October 3rd | 9:00am- 12:00pm | Zoom
The California Department of Education will address issues related to compliance and implementation of services and supports for English learners. Topics include: ELAC, DELAC, EL identification and assessment, reclassification, Title III, language program options and parent choice, Designated and Integrated ELD, and access to core subject matter. Register here.