EL Services Data & Smithsonian Young Ambassadors
Date: 02/20/2015
Author: Jenn Guerrero
2014-15 CALPADS Fall 2 Submission, English Learner Services Data
In an effort to to emphasize the importance of data completeness and accuracy, particularly in the area of English Learner services, the California Department of Education (CDE) has sent out the letter referenced below.
For more information, contact (916) 325-9210 or calpads-support@cde.ca.gov.
Smithsonian Latino Center, Young Ambassadors Program 2015
The Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) is a national program for graduating high school seniors that fosters the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources. YAP is a college preparatory and leadership program that encourages participants to explore various academic and career opportunities through the lens of the Latino experience.
Up to 24 graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated interest and commitment to the arts, sciences, or humanities as it pertains to Latino communities will be selected to participate in a weeklong all-expenses paid interdisciplinary training seminar in Washington, D.C. This will be followed by a four-week internship in a preselected museum or cultural center in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
The deadline to apply is April 6.
Please forward this information to the appropriate people at your site or district to get the word out to students about this amazing program.
More Information
Online | Smithsonian Latino Center
Email | SLCEducation@si.edu