Spring Testing FAQs/Guidance, CDE Newsletter, Expanded Learning Recommendations
Date: 04/20/2021
Author: Jenn Guerrero
2020–21 Spring Administration FAQs and Guidance
The California Department of Education has updated the COVID-19 Assessment FAQs web page with new FAQs and answers for the 2021 Spring Summative Assessment Administration.
Also posted on the COVID-19 Assessment FAQs web page is the 2020-21 Spring Summative Assessment Administration Flexibility Guidelines. This flyer steps through the testing options for each summative assessment this spring. New FAQs will be added in the future and will be posted here as well.
Information and Updates from the Multilingual Support Division at the CDE
Here is the April 2021 newsletter from the CDE.
Expanded Learning Opportunity Grants: Recommendations for Making them Work for English Learners
Californian’s Together recommends that school districts should ensure that their expanded learning programs are not traditional, but programs that are engaging, enriching, and joyful. Read more here.
Webinar: Accelerating Learning: Strategies for Whole Child Summer Learning and Beyond
View the recording here and register for future sessions as well.
May 4 | Accelerating Learning: Best Practices for Expanded Learning Time
May 18 | Accelerating Learning: Using Assessments to Determine Student Needs
June 1 | Accelerating Learning: Equity-Centered Strategies to Support Student Learning