Sonoma County Office of Education

Alternative Education

Alternative Education

Building Rigor, Relevance and Relationships in Alternative Education Classrooms

The Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) operates alternative schools for Sonoma County students who are seriously at risk of school and/or societal failure. These schools provide small school settings for referred students who are experiencing difficulties in traditional schools, offer home and independent study alternatives, and deliver daily instruction for incarcerated youth and juvenile wards of the court. In operating these programs, SCOE strives to offer education alternatives that connect students to positive opportunities for learning.

Programs & Services

Community Schools

The purpose of Community School is to retain students in the education system during periods when they are experiencing problems that put them at serious risk of dropping out. The emphasis of the program is to reestablish students’ educational direction. The goal is for students to successfully transition back to a regular school setting or another learning environment that meets their needs. For students who elect to remain in Community School, the program is designed to help them meet their educational and academic goals. Learn more about Community Schools.

Countywide Plan for Expelled Students

In addition to offering alternative school programs for students, the Alternative Education department coordinates the development of the Countywide Plan for Providing Educational Services to All Expelled Students in Sonoma County as required by Education Code Section 48926. The plan is updated every three years.

SCOE 2024 Plan for Expelled Students

WASC - Fully Accredited

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The Sonoma County Office of Education is committed to making its online materials and information accessible to individuals of all abilities.

Individuals may obtain an alternate, accessible version of the content in these documents by contacting and by including a copy of the document as an attachment. If you are unable to attach a copy of the document, please indicate the document name and website location. SCOE staff will respond to your request within two business days.

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent