May EL Collaborative Follow Up
Date: 05/14/2020
Author: Jenn Guerrero
Please see below for information and resources from our May 12th EL Collaborative.
ELAC and DELAC FAQ during Covid-19 Physical School Closures
Answers from the CDE regarding questions posed at our session. Feel free to email Jenn with any questions.
If the optional fall Summative is approved and a district decides to administer it to students being considered for reclassification, can they use the pre-id labels that they intended to use this year (19-20)?
If approved, I believe the answer is yes (in most cases – same school) but I will add this to the list of things to include in our communication to LEAs.
What is the deadline to complete for LEA ELPAC Coordinators or their designee to complete the Moodle training?
Waiting on response
Year round school in Sonoma County begins in early July. How are we to initially test our incoming students if we are still distance learning? Will the 30 day window be extended again?
We are unable to respond to this question until we receive more direction from the Governor and State Superintendent of Public Schools. Only an executive order can increase the number of days allowed for Initial testing but it is on our radar.
To help understand the use of 2018-2019 Summative EPLAC scores for reclassification in 2019-2020, please see the scenario below.
A student did not complete the 2019-2020 Summative ELPAC. There is no score report for them. In 2018-2019 they scored an overall 4 on ELPAC but they were not reclassified because they did not meet criterion 4 (comparison of student performance in basic skills). Now, in 2019-2020 they meet criterion 4 but we don't have an overall Summative ELPAC score to meet criterion one (assessment of English language proficiency).
Can we use the overall Summative ELPAC score of 4 from 2018-2019 to reclassify now that criterion 4 has been met in 2019-2020?
Yes, go forth and reclassify. The two scores are consecutive.