CDE Assessment Update Webinar & CDE COVID-19 Assessment FAQ Updated
Date: 03/29/2021
Author: Jenn Guerrero
March CDE Assessment Update Webinar
View resources from this March 24th presentation below.
Video recording (available this week)
COVID-19 Assessment FAQ Updated
The California Department of Education (CDE) recently updated the COVID–19 Assessment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) web page. Refer to the section titled ‘2021 Spring Administration Guidance’ for the most current information.
Also on this web page is a one-page flyer titled ‘2020–21 Spring Administration Flexibility Guidelines’ that is a resource for local educational agencies (LEAs) to use as they consider the most viable option for their local context.
Since state legislative action may be needed, the CDE has not received the green light to move forward with operationalizing board action to allow LEAs to utilize the assessments that best meet their local context. They are hopeful they will be able to move forward soon and understand the urgency in the field. Check back to the COVID–19 Assessment FAQs web page as they will be updating and adding FAQs as more information becomes available.
As a reminder, the Summative ELPAC must be administered to all English learners. The extension of the Summative window to July 30, 2021 was approved by the SBE at its March 2021 meeting. It will be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for approval, and then the extension of the test administration windows will be effective. No state legislative action is needed.