Sonoma County Office of Education

EL Collaborative News Archive

2022-2023 EL Collaborative Dates

Date: 04/05/2022
Author: Jenn Guerrero

Thank you for providing feedback on the timing for our 2022-2023 EL Collaborative sessions. We will be meeting at SCOE, and overwhelmingly the group chose to hold the sessions from 9:00am-12:00pm. Please see below for the dates and hold them on your calendar. The registration link will be available in the next few weeks and will be posted here. 

  • September 8, 2022
  • December 1, 2022
  • March 9, 2023
  • May 18, 2023

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources