January EL Collaborative Follow-Up
Date: 01/29/2015
Author: Jenn Guerrero
EL Collaborative PowerPoint from January 26
View or download the presentation slides (pdf) from our meeting on January 26.
Considerations for English Learners Suspected and Identified with Learning Disabilities: Resources & Materials
Here are the PowerPoint and support materials from Sharen Bertrando’s presentation:
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
- English Learner Pre-Referral Checklist (pdf)
- EL/Special Education Reclassification Checklist (pdf)
- Participation Criteria Checklist for Alternative Assessments (pdf)
- Resource List for Possible Alternative Assessments to CELDT (pdf)
Homework for March 17: Snapshots & Vignettes from the ELA/ELD Framework
Please check back soon for links and guiding questions.
CELDT Analysis
SCOE is working to support districts in accessing and using their electronic CELDT files. Data specialists can process your file and create various Excel worksheets to analyze EL performance areas. See this information sheet (pdf), then contact Rick Phelan at rphelan@scoe.org for more information.
ELA/ELD Instructional Materials Adoption
This document (pdf) outlines the timeline for the adoption and provides descriptions of the various types of materials that will be adopted.
OUSD Talk Move Map
The Talk Move Map (pdf) can be used to help teachers facilitate productive classroom discussions.
Title III Conference: Materials from Dec 2014 Conference
Click here to access all slides and materials from the Accountability Institute held in San Diego