Sonoma County Office of Education

EL Collaborative News Archive

New ELPAC Coordinator Training

Date: 05/24/2022
Author: Jenn Guerrero

June 6, 2022 | 9:00am -12:00pm | Zoom 

This session is designed for LEA ELPAC coordinators who have been in their role for less than 12 months or want a refresher on the coordinator responsibilities.

Participants will learn about

  • Initial and Summative ELPAC processes
  • Responsibilities of the ELPAC coordinator
  • Suggested time frames for completing activities
  • Procedures and practices to support a successful ELPAC administration

Register here

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent