Answers From the CDE
Date: 10/03/2017
Author: Jenn Guerrero
Please see below for answers to questions posed by the group at our last session. The responses are direct quotes from the Assessment Development & Administration Division of the CDE.
Will the Domain Information Sheets be translated into Spanish?
There wasn't a plan to translate the domain sheets as detailed in our communication contract (based on funds available) but I'll follow up with contractor/director to see if this is possible.
Will TK students take the ELPAC? If so, will there is a TK version or will they take the K version?
No there will not be a separate assessment for TK students. TK students will take the K test.
I understand that the ELPAC Initial will be scored locally and the ELPAC SA will be sent in. Will there be an option for local scoring of the SA?
The timing of the materials being produced for our first operational summative does not allow for the creation of local scoring tools (not included in the current contract). Additionally, the CDE is conducting a threshold score validation study during the first Summative operational assessment which may or may not recommend changes to the threshold scores approved by the board in November. Once we have completed this study and taken any changes if necessary to the board, the CDE in collaboration with our contractor will have local scoring tools available for LEAs to use with the second summative administration.