Sonoma County Office of Education

EL Collaborative News Archive

EL Collaborative- September 9th, 3:00pm-4:30pm

Date: 09/02/2021
Author: Jenn Guerrero

Welcome to the 2021-2022 EL Collaborative. All future communication will be posted here, at the EL News Page. You will be notified when a new post is made, but you can always visit this page at

Our first meeting of the year will be held virtually, on Thursday, September 9th from 3:00pm-4:30pm. A calendar invite with the Zoom link has been sent to you and the link is below as well. If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded and posted here along with the slide deck and resources.

Please contact Jenn Guerrero or Elsa Vera with any questions. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 996 8620 5815

One tap mobile

+ 16699006833

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student