Upcoming Californians Together Webinars: Integrated and Designated ELD
Date: 04/08/2020
Author: Jenn Guerrero
Californians Together is offering a series of webinars focused on Integrated and Designated ELD across the grade levels. For more information, please see below.
Integrated/Designated ELD – Elementary TK- 5
April 21 | 4:00pm-5:30pm
This zoom chat will cover examples of teachers implementing integrated and designated English language development through distance learning and create a space for elementary school teachers to connect and learn from each other by grade-span
Designated ELD – Secondary grades 6-12
April 28 | 4:00pm-5:30pm
Register here
This zoom meeting will cover examples of teachers implementing designated ELD lessons and instruction and how they outreach to their students to engage in language development through distance learning. A space will be created for secondary teachers to share by grade spans.
Integrated ELD – Secondary grades 6-12
May 5 | 4:00pm-5:30pm
Register here
Content area teachers will share how they are able to include integrated ELD through their distance learning experiences. A space will be created for secondary teachers to share by content area.