Sonoma County Office of Education

EL Collaborative News Archive

March EL Collaborative Follow-up

Date: 03/20/2015
Author: Jenn Guerrero

Homework for May 1:
Artifacts that Represent a Safe Classroom Culture for English Learners

“In order to (insert goal for English Learners), it’s really important to have a safe classroom culture.” This statement is often said when talking about implementing instructional strategies for English Learners. In an effort to calibrate our understanding of a what a safe classroom for English Learners truly means, please find artifacts at your site that you feel represent this.

Examples can include, but are not limited to, the suggestions below. Please email artifacts to Jenn by May 1.

—Video footage
—Audio recordings
—Work samples
—Quotes from students
—Student interviews
—Evidence of systems

EL Collaborative PowerPoint from March 17
View or download the Presentation Slides (pdf) from our meeting on March 17.

Consultancy Protocol Presentation and Directions
The Consultancy Protocol is a structured process for helping an individual or team think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma. Here you will find the PowerPoint Presentation (pdf) and support materials from Kelly Matteri’s presentation.

Click here for the directions on how to do the Consultancy Protocol with a group.

Twitter Prezzi
Click this link to view Kerri Baetkey’s presentation about using Twitter for EL educators.

Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) Resources
The English Learner Support Division of the California Department of Education convenes the Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) meetings four times a year. BCN’s purpose is to disseminate polices, research, and best practices that relate to English learners in California. BCN consists of representatives from county offices of education, school districts with the top 10 English learner populations, and other agencies.


Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst