Date: 03/29/2020
Author: Jenn Guerrero
- On March 27th SCOE held a webinar titled Distance Learning Operational Practices for Schools. This webinar addressed topics pertaining to infrastructure and tech resources, English learners, special education, early learners, homeless and foster youth, library services, and social emotional learning. The recorded webinar and accompanying resources can be found at bit.ly/distancelearningresources.
- Last week, both the Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) and the Title III English Learner Specialists met virtually. The CDE is working to release guidance regarding the topics below, as they relate to school closures. They will also be creating an FAQ around other areas pertaining to ELs. I will be sure to share all new information and guidance I receive, here on this page.
- Integrated and designated ELD
- Reclassification
- ELPAC testing (Summative and Initial)
- ELPAC trainings
- Seal of Biliteracy