Sonoma County Office of Education

EL Collaborative News Archive

March EL Collaborative Follow Up

Date: 03/13/2018
Author: Jenn Guerrero

Please see below for materials and resources from the March 13, 2018 EL Collaborative. Jenn will post answers to the groups' questions as soon as possible. 

March 12 slide deck

LTEL Typologies

ELPAC Sample Student Score Report (SSR)

Text Reconstruction Note Catcher

Please see the contact information for our guest speakers from 10,000 Degrees:

   Huge Que -

   Jennifer Lopez-

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst