Sonoma County Office of Education

Leadership Services

District and site administrators can build their practice, deepen their knowledge, and expand their repertoire of tools through partnership with SCOE. Leadership at SCOE is dedicated to providing emerging, new, and experienced school leaders with practical tools and insights they need to excel in their roles. Through trainings, networking, and both on-site and off-site professional development, SCOE aims to provide opportunities throughout the year. We are committed to helping all administrators further develop and build their professional practice.

Professional Learning Opportunities

SCOE Teacher Leadership Certificate

SCOE will be recruiting a new cohort for our Teacher Leadership Certificate program in March, 2020. Learn more and apply for the program here.

Site Admin Network Meetings

Designed for site administrators (assistant principals and principals), these meetings will encompass a variety of topics. Each meeting’s focus area will be determined based on the needs of administrators in our county. There will also be opportunities for networking, collaboration, and deeper learning for administrators.

Instructional Leadership Academy

The Instructional Leadership Academy, in partnership with the Center for Educational Leadership, is a collaborative, professional learning community focused on improving instructional leadership across an entire system. The focus is on gaining insight into our own practice, learning key skills and concepts, and the practical application of these skills. Walkthroughs will allow us to take a deeper look at classroom instruction and professional learning needs on-site.

Upcoming Trainings

Any upcoming workshops, trainings, or meetings will be shown below.

Title Date Time
YouthTruth Workshops 01/31/2025 -