Sonoma County Office of Education

"Within every school there is a sleeping giant of teacher leadership....By helping teachers believe they are leaders, by offering opportunities to develop their leadership skills, and by creating school cultures that honor their leadership, we can awaken this sleeping giant...."
--Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001)

The Teacher Leadership Certificate Program

Flower Educational research indicates that the potential of teacher leaders to accelerate student learning and school improvement has been woefully underutilized (Berg & Souvana, 2012). As teachers grow, they often assume informal and formal leadership roles in schools. Yet, the skills required for this work are often distinct from the knowledge and skills required in the classroom.

SCOE's Teacher Leadership Certificate Program provides experienced teachers with a series of four practiced-based courses that develop the knowledge and skills required to provide effective instructional leadership in their schools and districts.

The program is specifically designed to meet the professional growth needs of K-12 teachers with three or more years of classroom experience that consistently play informal or formal leadership roles in their school or district context. The Teacher Leadership Program emphasizes learning experiences and outcomes that will support equitable student learning opportunities and contribute to robust professional learning cultures among faculty and staff in Sonoma County schools.


Questions may be directed to:

  • Kate Westrich, Director
    (707) 524-8404,
  • Amanda Welter, Director
    (707) 522-3069,