Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners

This blog focuses on the effective integration of technology in K-12 schools with special emphasis on Sonoma County. It offers ideas and resources to support purposeful use of technology in relation to the Common Core Standards and 21st century learning.

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Amazing Augmented Reality Apps
Augmented reality is being applied in a number of different educational tablet applications. What is augmented reality? It is the direct or indirect view of the physical world with elements that are supplemented by computer-generated sensory input through sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. This blog post shares information on five augmented reality apps that K-12 schools can use with either iOS or Android tablets. Read More...

Take a Test Drive: Tech Devices & Activities
Test Drive TechnologySCOE’s technology “Try Before You Buy” program continues this year—with enhancements. Take a look at the class sets of devices we now have available for checkout and the growing collection of resources focused on Common Core and Next Generation Science themes. Read More...

Be Part of This Year’s Hour of Code
The Hour of Code is coming to K-12 schools the week of December 8-14, 2014. Sonoma County teachers and students are encouraged to join this fun and engaging activity that promotes computer science and coding awareness. Read More...

Healdsburg High School’s Computer Science Program
Preparing students to be college- and career-ready with 21st century skills is a major focus for high schools. One way that Healdsburg High School addresses this goal is through computer science courses taught by Mike Efram. This blog post spotlights Healdsburg High’s computer science opportunities and how Mike Efram has found success with students. Read More...

Formative Assessment: Key Strategy for CCSS Success
KeysFormative assessment may be a new idea for some educators. In contrast to traditional assessments, formative assessments emphasize how students receive concepts and ideas rather than how teachers deliver information. Learn more about formative assessment by accessing SBAC’s Digital Library or attending SCOE’s December 4 workshop with Margaret Heritage. Both of these new professional development resources are described in this blog post. Read More...

Five Terrific Apps to Support Number Sense, Grades K-4
Number sense is key to the development of mathematical skills in the early grades. To complement the counting and sorting activities that traditionally support early number sense learning, teachers can employ technology to guide and enhance skill development. This blog post highlights five terrific apps that promote number sense among students in grades K-4. Read More...

Interactive Video Conferencing: Science & Arts Field Trips
Interested in increasing the number of field trips your class takes this year? Virtual field trips can help you achieve this goal. Video conferencing has made it possible to connect with museums, laboratories, universities, and speakers using two-way interactive technologies. Some possibilities for virtual field trips that promote understanding in science and fine arts are shared in this blog post. Read More...

Digital Fabrication
3D PrinterAs schools look to equip their Maker classrooms, questions frequently come up about digital fabrication equipment and what to get—3D printers, laser cutters, or something else? This blog post offers information on digital fabrication and options for schools to consider when making purchases. Read More...

Make Your Voice Heard on SBAC Achievement Level Scores
Smarter Balanced is recruiting grade 3-12 educators, parents, and community/business leaders to join an online panel that will set Achievement Level scores for its assessments. Learn more about this process and how you can participate. Read More...

2014-15 Monthly Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Digital CitizenshipOne strategy schools can use in their approach to teaching digital citizenship is to have agreed-upon content that students consider each month. To support this effort, SCOE is featuring monthly, grade-specific resources from the Common Sense Media Foundation during 2014-15. Here is a sampling of lessons and videos for September. Read More...

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Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent