Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners

This blog focuses on the effective integration of technology in K-12 schools with special emphasis on Sonoma County. It offers ideas and resources to support purposeful use of technology in relation to the Common Core Standards and 21st century learning.

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Blended Learning: Tips for Success with Online Learning
Blended learning is growing in popularity because it gives schools the opportunity to personalize learning based on student needs, make learning available 24/7, and use face-to-face time between students and teachers more effectively. Here are some ideas and resources for pairing face-to-face instruction with online learning to create an effective blended learning model. Read More...

Tablet Accessory Suggestions
TabletThe use of tablets is on the rise in many schools and educators are acquiring new tablet technologies as part of their basic classroom teaching toolbox. This blog post offers some ideas for accessorizing tablets to maximize their use and ensure protection in a classroom environment. Read More...

Google Chrome: Powerful Assistive Technology Resource
Google ChromeGoogle Chrome has a wealth of extensions and applications that can be useful for K-12 students and teachers. This blog post focuses on the theme of assistive technology and the ways Google Chrome can help personalize and enhance learning for students with disabilities. Read More...

SBAC Digital Library: Preview Accounts Now Available
Digital LibraryCalifornia public schools will have full access to the Smarter Balanced Digital Library this fall, but preview accounts are now available for school administrators who want to become familiar with this new resource. The preview will help educators understand the future utility of the Digital Library as they learn more about formative assessment. Read More...

The Value of Computer Games in K-12 Education
Author Jane McGonigal studied gaming as part of her doctoral dissertation and maintains that computer and video games are worthwhile endeavors. In her recent book, she analyzed how games work, why humans are drawn to them, and how games can improve education. Read More...

2014 Horizon Report: Technology Trends for K-12 Education
Where is technology going in the next five years? The Horizon Report is a resource that can help schools anticipate the future. This annual report details the top emerging technologies, trends, and challenges that K-12 education will face in the next five years. The 2014 Horizon Report for K-12 was released a few weeks ago. Here is a snapshot of the information it included. Read More...

Nexus 7 Android Tablet Review
Nexus 7The Nexus 7 Android tablet is worth a look for K-12 schools considering ways to expand their use of tablets in the classroom. The Nexus 7 is Google’s alternative to Apple’s iPad Mini. It has a number of competitive features that make it a good choice for schools. This post reviews the Nexus 7 as a tool for students and teachers. Read More...

Smarter Balanced Field Test Recap
recapOver 31,000 Sonoma County students took part in the 2014 Smarter Balanced field tests from April 7 to May 16. This blog post offers information about Sonoma County’s field test outcomes from three different perspectives: student, educator, and district technology coordinator. Read More...

Methods for Projecting your iPad Screen
Classroom teachers have three different options for projecting iPad screens to a large group. This blog post explains the technical options for sharing the contents of your iPad screen with large groups. Read More...

Book Review: The Second Machine Age
Two MIT professors, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, have provided an interesting perspective on the ways various technologies are shaping our world. The book they co-authored on this topic is called The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. As K-12 educators think about the future of teaching and learning, they may want to consider some of the insights offered in this book. Read More...

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Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst