Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners: Be Part of This Year’s Hour of Code

Be Part of This Year’s Hour of Code

Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 11.12.14

Hour of CodeThe Hour of Code is coming to K-12 schools the week of December 8-14, 2014. Sonoma County teachers are encouraged to join this fun and engaging activity that promotes computer science and coding awareness. Students of all ages can participate in a one-hour introductory program designed to demystify computer science and show that anyone can learn basic coding.

Why your students should participate
Computer science is driving job growth and innovation throughout our economy and society. Coding is what makes it possible to create computer software, apps, and websites. Code is all around us. Your web browser, your computer operating system, the apps on your phone, scanners in the supermarket, and automobile systems all use computer code. More than half of the projected jobs in the STEM fields are in computing occupations. These occupations dominate “help wanted” ads. Computer science is one of the most sought-after degrees for new college graduates.

How to get started

  • Go to to sign up and access resources.
  • If you’re in Sonoma County, contact Rick Phelan at and request a preview activity at your site.

Learn More

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions from the Hour of Code website.

When is the Hour of Code?
You can host an Hour of Code anytime, but the grassroots campaign goal is for tens of millions of students to try an Hour of Code during the week of December 8-14, 2014, in celebration of Computer Science Education Week. You can do the Hour of Code at any time during this week. (If you can’t do it during the designated week, do it the week before or after.)

I don’t know anything about coding. Can I still host an event?
Yes. Hour of Code activities are self-guided. All you need to do is try the tutorials posted online, pick the tutorial you want, and pick an hour. There are options for every age and experience level, from kindergarten on up. Start planning your event by reading the how-to guide, How to teach one Hour of Code, on the Hour of Code website.

Are computers needed for every participant?
No. There are Hour of Code tutorials that work on PCs, smartphones, tablets, and some that require no computers at all! You can join wherever you are, with whatever you have. Here are a few options:

  • Have students work in pairs. Research shows students learn best with paired programming, sharing a computer and working together. Encourage your students to double up.
  • Use a projected screen. If you have a projector and screen for a Web-connected computer, your entire group can do an Hour of Code together. Watch video portions together and take turns solving puzzles or answering questions.
  • Go unplugged. There are tutorials that require no computer at all.

Other Resources

Hour of Code Websites
Hour of Code
Computer Science Education Week

Local Story
Sonoma County kindergartners participate in Hour of Code (Dec 2013)

Local Resources
SCOE Technology for Learning coding resources

Blog: Technology for Learners

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent