Sonoma County Office of Education

Restorative Practices

"The fundamental premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them."

—Ted Wachtel, Founder of the International Institute for Restorative Practices

Across the world, educators are embracing a continuum of restorative practices that includes both proactive, community-building strategies as well as reactive strategies that seek to repair harm. Recognizing the value of this approach, The Sonoma County Office of Education is now offering training in Restorative Practices.

This training will enable participants to learn pragmatic strategies to build strong, healthy relationships with students, families, employees, and colleagues. Interactive experiences throughout the workshop will yield a better understanding of the continuum of Restorative Practices and how they can be applied to an educator's practice. Teachers, parents, administrators, counselors, campus supervisors, members of non-profit organizations, and members of the community at large are all invited to participate.

Restorative resource Restorative Practices Training/ Pricing
Information on pricing and how to book a training can be found at SCOE's Custom Services webpage.


International Institute for Restorative Practices
SCOE is licensed to offer certified trainings in Restorative Practices through the International Institute for Restorative Practices. Click HERE for more information on the organization.

Data-Sharing Agreement

Access the 2021-22 Data Sharing Agreement for the Rooster Fellowship here.

Additional Information

For more information on Restorative Practices and how to bring them to your community, school site, or district, contact SCOE's Curriculum Coordinator for Student Engagement, Jessica Progulske.

Progulske Jessica Progulske, SCOE's Program Coordinator for Student Supports, endeavors to ensure that students have relevant, meaningful learning experiences to engage in at school. In her role at the county office of education, she advocates for all aspects of engagement for all students: behavioral, social-emotional, and cognitive. As a classroom teacher, Jessica taught history in the NUEVA School for the Performing Arts and the Phoenix Academy Intervention Program, both of which she helped to create at Windsor High School. Jessica likes the color gold and is committed to equity in education.