Sonoma County Office of Education

Science Fair

Synopsys-Sonoma County Science Fair

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Synopsys-Sonoma County Science Fair has been canceled. For more details on an alternative Sonoma County science event, click here.

Sci Fair The Synopsys–Sonoma County Science Fair gives grade 6-12 students the opportunity to study a topic of interest and apply their scientific knowledge to a real-life question. Students participate in the Science Fair by creating a project individually or in a group of two or three students.

Projects are as varied as the students themselves and can focus on areas of biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy, behavioral science, general science, health and human biology, mathematics, agricultural sciences, environmental science, earth and planetary science, cognitive sciences, and electronics-electromagnetism.

On the day of the Science Fair, students present their projects to the judges. Local scientists, businesspeople, teachers, and others serve as judges and interact with students about their projects.


Questions may be directed to:

  • Jessica Progulske, Director, Data and Engagement
    (707) 524-2836,
  • Jill McIntyre, Administrative Technician II
    (707) 524-2816,
Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources