Sonoma County Office of Education

Honoring SCOE staff retiring in 2015-16

05/24/2016 -

Please join in acknowledging the "Class of 2015": SCOE employees who are retiring this year. We thank them warmly for their hard work and significant contributions to Sonoma County students. Read on for a full list.

2015-16 Retirees

Judy Adams
Connie Ahrendt
Annette Betancourt
Patricia Biagi
Terri Bohling
Amada Colt
Catherine Conrado
Ann Dexheimer
Dottie Downing
Lori Fabian
Scott Griffin
Pia Hamilton
David Hardin
Lisa Jenkins
Valorie Jones
Celia Lamantia
Stephen Lebbert
Carol McLaughlin
Kelly Monk
Merrysue Mosconi
Sara Slager
Francie Turner-Wells
Debra Wilcox

Heather Boone
Jim Cerreta
Laurel Christensen
Ruth Petroff
Tina Rodriquez
Rosalinda Salas