Sonoma County Office of Education

Employee Spotlight: Alli Britton

03/08/2024 - Alli Britton

Alli Britton

Years at SCOE:
That is a hard question. I have worked in multiple positions for multiple agencies here, but all in all I have worked in the Skylane office for 22 years.

Job Title:
STRS Retirement Analyst, Business Support Services

How do you describe your job to people outside SCOE?

I ensure the accuracy of payroll records sent to CalSTRS for the entirety of Sonoma County, including offline charters and the Junior College.

Where did you grow up?
Cazadero, in west county. My whole family still lives out there. We’re the family with the giant chainsaw sculptures!

Who was your favorite childhood teacher and why?
Kathy Kane, 4th grade at Monte Rio School. She taught us important subjects with a sense of humor and love.

What is your favorite thing about SCOE?
My coworkers! I am so lucky to work with such wonderful people, including my husband Tyler. We even have a bunch of us from different departments who play trivia together!

What is one of your most memorable moments as a SCOE employee?
The time I hit my head under the front desk and got a concussion. No one but IT was allowed to go under our desks for weeks! People were irked to say the least. Whoops, my bad!

Outside of work, what is your favorite hobby or way to unwind?
I love video games and watching Tom Hanks movies. I watch You’ve Got Mail almost weekly and I have recently started a fascination with Julia Child. I am also really into true crime and horror movies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or book that involves a school setting?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Go go Gryffindor!

What is your favorite place in Sonoma County?
Cazadero along Austin Creek. It is so peaceful and beautiful out there.

What might people be surprised to learn about you?
I am not really into sports. EXCEPT the San Francisco 49ers, I am totally obsessed!