Sonoma County Office of Education

Employee Spotlight: Hunter Ferrara

10/03/2023 - Hunter Ferrara

Hunter Ferrara

Years at SCOE:
Next month will be nine years! I still love what I do and look forward to coming to work.

Job Title:
Credentials Analyst

How do you describe your job to people outside SCOE?
We support all types of schools and educators in our region with navigating the hoops and loops of California credential requirements.

Where did you grow up?
Under big oak trees in the Lake Vista neighborhood of New Orleans.

Who was your favorite childhood teacher and why?
My favorite teacher was my freshman English teacher, Mr. Duvoisin. He had the best sense of humor and was able to use literature as a means to help us process the world around us. He inspired me to study English education and pursue my teaching credential.

What is your favorite thing about SCOE?
I love being in a position where I have the opportunity to support schools, educators, and prospective candidates. Being of service is something that fills my cup, and I know that the work we do at SCOE has a positive impact on our community.

What is one of your most memorable moments as a SCOE employee?
This is a tough question because I have a long list of fond memories over the years, but I would have to say the day that I came to SCOE one morning with my daughter, Emilia, when she was in kindergarten and our new puppy, Cocoa, comes to mind. We visited Karen Ricketts in NCSOE and sat on the floor together with Rick Phelan and all read a book to Cocoa. It was spontaneous, and I remember thinking how sweet it was that they took time out of their busy schedule to get to know my family.

Outside of work, what is your favorite hobby or way to unwind?
Unwinding for me starts with working in the garden with my coffee, getting out for a hike or run on the coast, and ends with something hot simmering on the stove.

Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or book that involves a school setting?
Always makes me tear up, but I love Freedom Writers.

What is your favorite place in Sonoma County?
We’re so blessed to be surrounded by all of the beauty of Sonoma County, but my favorite is the Sonoma coast. That’s where I go to center myself and recharge. It’s spiritual out there.

What might people be surprised to learn about you?
I’ve had the opportunity to do some fun big hikes! I climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro years ago and more recently hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Both were really special experiences. I try to squeeze in a couple of backpacking adventures every year.