Sonoma County Office of Education

Celebrating SCOE's Team Player, Lynda Sue Pinochi

05/09/2022 -

SCOE's Personnel Commission is pleased to announce that Lynda Sue Pinochi, LiveScan Technician/HR Assistant, has been selected as this year's Team Player. The annual award recognizes a SCOE employee who demonstrates outstanding performance, integrity, and customer service.

Lynda Sue has a unique role at SCOE. Her work as a LiveScan fingerprinting technician gives her a high degree of interaction with the general public. Plus, as a member of our Human Resources team, she has played an important role in facilitating our COVID-19 testing efforts and maintaining a positive workplace culture during a difficult time for schools.

"Lynda Sue is the best example of a SCOE team player," her nomination reads. "She has stepped up to support our COVID testing throughout the pandemic, and her selflessness to work the 'front lines' is admirable. ... She brings a very bright light to our office every day and it's truly an honor to work alongside her."

We will honor Lynda Sue during a reception hosted by the Personnel Commission at 4 p.m., Monday, May 23, in the Teacher Learning Center.

Lynda Sue was one of five outstanding employees nominated for Team Player. We would like to recognize and thank all the nominees for their hard work during a year of challenges and change for schools. Congratulations to nominees Erica Hurtado, Kenna Kitamura, Thuan Pham, and Sheri Roberge.