Sonoma County Office of Education

County Board of Education Goals

Sonoma County Board of Education
2017-19 Goals


Support the social, emotional, and academic development for all students enrolled in SCOE’s Alternative Education programs; provide support for the successful implementation of the LCAP.

  1. Participate in Stakeholder Meetings for the development and review of the LCAP and receive quarterly updates
  2. Visit the Alternative education programs biannually
  3. Attend and actively participate in sub-committees


Be of Service to District Boards and encourage collaboration.

  1. Attend at least one board meeting of districts included in trustee’s region
  2. Host with County Superintendent and SCASA a county-wide Trustee Symposium and in-service activities
  3. Connect local boards to community resources and contacts


Support community collaboration and initiatives that align and support education.

  1. Support SCOE’s participation and leadership with the county-wide Health Action’s Cradle to Career Partnership and Upstream Investments
  2. Attend and support ieSonoma as a county-wide opportunity to promote innovation in education
  3. Represent Sonoma County Board of Trustees at community events throughout Sonoma County.
Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources