Sonoma County Office of Education

CISC Symposium Committee

CISC Symposium Committee

What If: Leading with ImaginationThis page provides news, announcements, resources, and links to documents for the CISC Leadership Symposium 2015 planning committee members. Subscribe to automatic email updates and be alerted when items are posted to this page by contacting Stacie Post-Sheffer at or (707) 524-2813.

Committee Meeting CANCELED & Other Updates!

Date: 02/04/2015

Note: This posting will also be emailed to all committee members.

The big event is almost here!!! Thanks to all of you for your work in helping make sure our symposium is a success. Here are a few reminders and updates - apologies for the length of this email, but we wanted to avoid multiple emails.

  • Our last CISC symposium planning meeting was scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, February 5th from 1pm-3pm online - however, we have decided to CANCEL that meeting to make the best use of everyone’s time, as we can cover any meeting items at our on-site meeting on Tuesday. If you have a question that needs to be addressed prior to Tuesday, feel free to contact me or Stephany Prater (registration questions) or Stacie Post-Sheffer (logistical questions).
  • Our on-site CISC symposium planning meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10th from 1pm-3pm at the Hyatt Regency OC in Salon Room VI - this room will be our committee prep area for the entire symposium.
  • Our CISC symposium pre-event committee dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10th at 6:30pm at Naples Restaurant in the Downtown Disney District (1550 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim). Thanks again to Kitty for making the reservation!
  • We will review registration booth “work” assignments and liaison roles at our committee meeting on Tuesday, and info is also posted to the CISC newspage ( Those of you working in liaison roles should have already received a separate email regarding being a liaison.
  • On-site contact information for CISC symposium committee members is posted on the CISC newspage, or can be found by clicking here.
  • Vests that were ordered but not picked up at January’s committee meeting will be brought to Anaheim for distribution at the on-site committee meeting.  
  • For other event details...please either refer to the website or the long email that was sent to all event attendees!

We are so close to seeing the success of all of our work - can’t wait!



Date: 01/28/2015
Author: Stacie

To keep our CISC symposium planning committee all on the same page, we want to alert you of some various location/timing changes that have occurred within the last week related to speaker sessions and the Exhibit and Imagination Space.

  • The Exhibit and Imagination Space will now be located in Royal A&B
  • Horacio Sanchez's presentations will now be located in Garden 4
  • Jim Knight and Russell Quaglia's presentations are now in Royal CDEF instead of Royal ABCDEF

A few other minor time changes occurred with some quick talks and other sessions - the most up-to-date session postings can be found on the CISC Symposium website on the Schedule/Session Description drop down page - click here to view this page, and then click the day to see the sessions for each day.

If you want to access the detailed schedule meant for coordinators ONLY, please click here. Please DO NOT SHARE the link to this document with general attendees!! This detailed schedule includes presenter liaison, room host liaison, and door monitor liaison assignments. You'll notice we still have liaison gaps, identified in blue. If you'd like to sign up for one of those empty spots, please email Stacie ( 

Thanks to all for the work you've done to support this event! We will send out additional reminders and info as needed over the next 12 days. 

1-21-15 Meeting Info, Agenda, and Notes

Date: 01/21/2015
Author: Stacie

Today's meeting agenda and notes links are below. This meeting is being held at Sacramento COE, but will also be conducted via our usual online webinar. The online webinar access info is in the previous posting below.


For those attending in person at Sacramento COE, you can choose to join in on your personal electronic device or just view the projection in the room. For those not attending in person, the items will be shown via the online webinar screen as usual.


For those attending in person at Sacramento COE, there will be one conference phone in the room at Sacramento COE. For those not attending in person, the audio will be done via the online webinar phone number as usual.  




REMINDER: Meeting on January 21st

Date: 01/14/2015
Author: Stacie


UPDATE as of 1/14/15: Our meeting room for next Wednesday has changed and is now Room A.

A reminder that our next CISC Symposium planning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 21st at the Sacramento County Office of Education in Room A Mather Room (10474 Mather Blvd., Mather, CA 95655) from 1:00-4:00pm. There was some discussion about canceling this meeting or holding a webinar only meeting, however we’ve decided it would be beneficial to meet in person for this meeting! Please bring an electronic device to the meeting so that we can all view documents together.

This meeting will also be shown via our usual online webinar for those who can't attend in person. Instructions for accessing the online meeting are as follows:

Online Address:

For audio, use your computer microphone and speakers -or- call in using your phone by dialing (872) 240-3312

Access Code: 523-793-495

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 523-793-495


The meeting agenda and any documents for review will be posted to this CISC newspage ( just prior to the meeting.

If you are unable to attend in person OR via the webinar, please email Mickey ( and Stacie (

If you need to reach us on the day of the meeting, please contact us on our cell phones:

Mickey: 707-292-0953
Dan: 707-974-8889
Stacie: 707-217-3461

"What if...?" Video Submissions Needed for 2015 CISC Symposium (Due 1/21/15)

Date: 12/01/2014
Author: Stacie

As discussed at our recent planning committee meeting, we are creating a "What if...?" video to use at the opening general session of the Symposium. The plan is to have people complete the sentence starter "What if...?" using three additional words to express their hopes and dreams for the future of education. The three words should be written on something and either videotaped or photographed. This is a slight variation on Good Morning America's "Your 3 Words" segments, so here's a link to give you an idea of what we're planning:


We would like to include videos and photos from people all across the State (and we're especially interested in having students participate). You may want to include backgrounds of places your region is known for (the ocean, Golden Gate bridge, vineyards, etc) - but this is not required. We will need the videos and photos submitted no later than Wednesday, January 21st. To submit a short video clip or photo to be included in the compilation video, please do the following:

  1. Film or photograph the person's three words (videos must be in mp4 format)
  2. You will need to collect a signed photo/video release from anyone appearing in your photo or video. You can use your county's form, and you will keep this documentation.
  3. Send an email to Stacie Post-Sheffer ( with the subject line What if...? Video - Region ___ (<-- include your region's #) with the attachment of either a photo or an mp4 video. IMPORTANT: To indicate that you collected the photo/video release for your submission, include the following sentence in the body of your email: "A signed video/photo release form has been collected from all persons appearing in the attached video/photo." Submission emails that don't include this sentence will be returned to the sender for correction.

Please send this info out to the county offices in your region that may be interested in participating.


If you have any questions, please contact Dan Blake at or 707-524-2780.

ACTION NEEDED: Follow Up Items

Date: 11/19/2014
Author: Stacie

Following up on today's meeting, as soon as possible please:

  • Review the possible sponsors list by clicking here and add any additional possibilities to the bottom and/or sign yourself up to contact a sponsor not already assigned to someone. You can share the sponsorship guide (click here to access sponsorship guide- also found on the CISC newspage on the right side) with any potential sponsors. Once you've made initial contact with a potential sponsor, please feel free to refer them to Dan Blake. 
  • Sign up for a registration booth staffing shift by clicking here and entering your name into any yellow box without a name.
  • Order your committee vest by clicking here and entering in your information.
  • Enter your on-site contact info for the event (cell phone, and best email to reach you at during the event) by clicking here.
  • Market the event to your region to boost registration! Let colleagues in your region know that registration is now open to all with the new code, and the Wyndham has been lined up as an overflow hotel with additional possible overflow hotel blocks to be opened soon per demand. 

Additional follow up items, such as the opening "What If" video instructions, will be sent out as they become available. 

11-19-14 Meeting Info, Agenda, and Notes

Date: 11/18/2014
Author: Stacie

Today's meeting agenda and notes links are below. This meeting is being held at Sacramento COE, but will also be conducted via our usual online webinar. The online webinar access info is in the previous posting below.


For those attending in person at Sacramento COE, you can choose to join in on your personal electronic device or just view the projection in the room. For those not attending in person, the items will be shown via the online webinar screen as usual.


For those attending in person at Sacramento COE, there will be one conference phone in the room at Sacramento COE. For those not attending in person, the audio will be done via the online webinar phone number as usual.  





REMINDER: Meeting on Wednesday

Date: 11/14/2014
Author: Stacie

A reminder that our next CISC Symposium planning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th at the Sacramento County Office of Education in Room C (10474 Mather Blvd., Mather, CA 95655) from 1:00-4:00pm. Please bring an electronic device to the meeting so that we can all view documents together.

This meeting will also be shown via our usual online webinar for those who can't attend in person. Instructions for accessing the online meeting are as follows:

Online Address:

For audio, use your computer microphone and speakers -or- call in using your phone by dialing (267) 507-0004

Access Code: 442-919-871

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 442-919-871


The meeting agenda and any documents for review will be posted to this CISC newspage ( just prior to the meeting.

If you are unable to attend in person OR via the webinar, please email Mickey ( and Stacie (

If you need to reach us on the day of the meeting, please contact us on our cell phones:

Mickey: 707-292-0953
Dan: 707-974-8889
Stacie: 707-217-3461

Reminder RE: Registration

Date: 11/04/2014
Author: Stacie

As a reminder, the original registration codes for all regions expired yesterday. Stephany Prater has emailed an updated code for each region to the regional lead(s). The new codes will work on a first come, first served basis to fill the remaining registration slots. Please encourage interested attendees to register as soon as possible!

10-30-14 Meeting Agenda, Materials, Notes

Date: 10/30/2014
Author: Stacie


Breakout Sessions Call for Presenters

Breakout Sessions CFP Responses to Date

Potential Sponsors



Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent