Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways and Early Education Teacher Development (EETD) Participant Information

Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways program provides stipends and support for Early Learning and Care (ELC) professionals working with young children. Three categories of ELC Professionals who are working to advance their career in Early Education are eligible. Each category is unique. The categories and eligibility are outlined below. The program is administered by the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma (CCPC) and is funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and the California Department of Education (CDE). Participants will receive a stipend (or reimbursement for category 1) if they successfully complete the program requirements by the specified deadlines. Final stipend amounts may be adjusted based on available funds.


This category is for Early Care and Education professionals currently working with children, taking college courses toward a degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development, and working toward a CA Child Development Permit.

  1. Reside and be employed in Sonoma County.
  2. Be currently employed in a licensed center, licensed family child care home, or an approved license-exempt child care setting. The children served must be between the ages of 0 to 5 years old. Employment will need to be verified.
  3. Working directly with children a minimum of 15 hours per week.
  4. Be currently enrolled in a minimum of one unit of CA Child Development Permit and ECE Degree focused courses at an accredited college (Approved Non-unit Courses are eligible).
  5. Have an account with the CA Early Care & Education Workforce Registry.

This category is for FFN providers who will complete a minimum of 10 hours of Professional Development.

Please Note: An FFN provider is a license exempt child care provider who works in a home-based setting to which licensing standards do not apply. This includes providers who care only for their relatives and providers who only care for the children of one other family (other than the provider’s own children).

  1. Reside and be employed in Sonoma County.
  2. Be currently serving as a Friend, Family, Neighbor (FFN).
  3. Accept some form of California early learning subsidy.
  4. The children served must be between the ages of 0 to 5 years old. Employment will need to be veri?ed.
  5. Working directly with children an average minimum of 15 hours per week.
  6. Planning to take at least 10 hours of Professional development between July 1, 2024–June 9, 2025
  7. Have an account with the CA Early Care & Education Workforce Registry.

This category is for Teachers and classified staff working in a school district who are taking college courses to complete Child Development college units to obtain a CA Child Development Permit and/or the 24 Child Development units required by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

Eligibility for Category 3

  1. Reside and employment in Sonoma County
  2. Must be currently employed as a teacher or an aide (Classified or Credentialed). Employment will need to be verified.
  3. Be currently enrolled in a minimum of one unit of Child Development coursework at an accredited college. Requirements for TK Teachers
  4. Have an account with the CA Early Care & Education Workforce Registry.


Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways 2024-2025 School Year:

Sonoma Pathways will be accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year utilizing the CA Workforce Registry beginning on August 1, 2024. Enrollment priority is based on a first come, first serve basis and an availability of funding. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, and successful application submission will not guarantee admission. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

How to apply: The application consists of an online submission and a submission of additional documents.

Step 1: Log in to your CA Workforce Registry Account and complete the online portion. If you do not have a Workforce Registry Account, visit Use this resource to complete your Registry Information: How to Create a User Account. Use this resource to help complete the online portion: How to apply to Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways.

Step 2: Complete and submit the additional documents required to complete your application. A list of additional documents will be emailed to you via a program staff member. The type and amount of additional documents will depend on the category you are eligible for. Category 1, Category 2, Category 3 (see eligibility listed above).

Once your online portion and additional documents have been received, Sonoma Pathways Staff will evaluate your entire application and notify you if you have been selected to enroll as soon as possible.

End of the Year Required Documents

Sonoma Quality Counts is a year-long program. To receive a stipend, enrolled participants must complete the program requirements which are the end of the year documents that outlined below. Each document must be submitted by uploading each to the Workforce Registry before or by June 9, 2025. If documents are not submitted by the deadline, participants will not be eligible for a stipend. The documents required are unique to each category.

  • Educational Plan–Submit a copy of your current Educational Plan. (See your Welcome Letter for your Educational Plan Status)
  • CA Child Development Permit–Submit proof of holding/applying for a current CA Child Development Permit.This requirement can be waived if at least 6 units have not been completed in Child Development. Valid proof of permit could be one of the following:
    • Copy of CA Child Development Permit OR
    • Copy of the Certified mail receipt used to mail your permit application
    For those who newly apply or upgrade, you may be eligible for a Permit bonus*
  • Unofficial Transcript–Submit another Unofficial Transcript showing all grades from Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters.
  • Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways End of the Year Survey–Complete the end of the year Survey. This Survey is required in order to receive a Stipend (due June 9th as well). The Survey will be emailed to you in May.
  • Copies of Academic Activity forms (Optional)–$400 Peer Networking bonus ($200 per semester)
  • Degree (optional)–If you earned a degree this 2024-2025 school year, submit one of the following:
    • Copy of your diploma, OR
    • Copy of your unofficial transcripts that states your degree
    For those who earn a degree, you may be eligible for a Degree Bonus*
  • REIMBURSEMENT for Category 1 ONLY–Submit clear receipts of Tuition and or Educational expenses to the Sonoma Pathways Office – Not required to upload to the Registry.
    You MUST Notify our office if you are interested in the Reimbursement College Credit Option.
  • W9 Form (Optional)–If you change your address anytime during the semester, contact our office ASAP! You will need a new W-9 form.
    *Bonuses will only be considered if an applicant has submitted all other Required Documents.
  • Submit clear copies of proof of 10 hours of Professional Development attendance
  • Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways End of the Year Survey–Complete the end of the yearSurvey. This Survey is required in order to receive a Stipend (due June 9th as well). The Survey will be emailed to you in May.
  • Unofficial Transcript–Submit another Unofficial Transcript showing all grades from Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters.
  • Stipend Agreement form–Sign and complete a Stipend Agreement Form. Program staff will assist with this process.
  • Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways End of the Year Survey–Complete the end of the year Survey. This Survey is required in order to receive a Stipend (due June 9th as well). The Survey will be emailed to you in May.


Participants will receive an award at the end of the program year if they successfully complete the program requirements by the specified deadline. The program requirements are the end of the year documents that outlined above. Award amounts are based on each Category’s stipend structure, but the Final stipend award amounts may be adjusted based on available funds.

Enrolled participants are automatically signed up for the Stipend Option. Please notify our office as soon as possible if you are interested in the Reimbursement Option. The option you select will determine the end of the year paperwork you will need to submit by the June 9, 2025 deadline.

Stipend Option Structure Reimbursement Option Structure
  • $200 per unit for Child Development , General Education (GE), English for Multilingual Students (EMLS), and Approved Non credit- units completed with at least a grade “C"
  • $500 CA Child Development permit attainment, upgrade, or renewal bonus
  • $400 Peer Networking bonus ($200 per semester)*
  • $800 AA degree attainment bonus*
  • $1000 BA degree attainment bonus*
  • $1200 MA degree attainment bonus*
  • Reimbursement for each eligible tuition and educational expenses receipt*
  • $200 Peer Networking participation bonus*
  • $500 CA Child Development permit attainment, upgrade, or renewal bonus*
  • 800 AA degree attainment bonus*
  • $1000 BA degree attainment bonus*
  • $1200 MA degree attainment bonus*

Special Note: If following the Reimbursement Structure, participants are still required to complete a minimum of 1 college unit with a grade of C or better, but college credits will not be calculated as a stipend. Participants also must complete the other requirements outlined in the End of the Year Documents list.

*Bonuses will only be considered if an applicant has submitted all other required documents.

Stipend Structure

  • $500 for completing 10 hours of Professional Development

Maximum: $500

Stipend Structure **

  • $1500 for completing ECE and/or Child Development coursework working toward an CA Child Development Permit or working toward the 24 ECE units requirements for TK teachers

Maximum: $1500

**Stipends are considered taxable income. A reimbursement structure is also available. Participants can select to be reimbursed for eligible tuition and educational expenses with receipts. Participants would still need to complete the program requirements. Also, Bonuses will only be considered if an applicant has submitted all other Required Documents.

**Stipends awarded by the Sonoma Pathways program are considered Taxable income if the amount awarded is $600 or more. Please click here to read some FAQ.

For Questions about the Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways Program, please email Erica Vuong at

The program is administered by the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma and is funded by the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant and the Department of Social Services (CDSS).