Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) supports SCOE and local school districts by providing a variety of technology services. One of its most critical functions is to furnish the data processing tools, resources, and training that allow districts to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. The department produces payroll checks, vendor payments, and financial reports for all public schools in Sonoma County.
Chief Technology Officer: Cody Grosskopf

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SCOE maintains a centralized computer system to account for school financial information and all 40 Sonoma County districts are linked to this system. District business office personnel are supported and trained to use these technology resources effectively and efficiently.
Information Technology also provides Wide Area Network (WAN) resources to Sonoma County schools. These services include Internet access, domain name services, web-server hosting, spam-filtered e-mail accounts, and content filtering that complies with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This network infrastructure is continually upgraded to give schools more robust connections to the Internet so that they can take advantage of new education applications as they become available.
Questions may be directed to:
- Cody Grosskopf, Chief Technology Officer
(707) 524-8324, - Danielle Boettner , Business Systems Support Analyst
(707) 524-2615, - Stefania Cappi, Information Technology Support Technician
(707) 524-2931, - Briana Domenichelli, Support Analyst
(707) 524-2808, - Angela Duplicki, Information Systems Support Specialist
707-524-8324, - Rene Hernandez, IT Support Technician
707-524-2835, - Bob Herbstman, Communications Support Technician
707-524-2936, - Tracy Lehmann, Business Systems Support Analyst
(707) 524-8410, - Derek Ng, Network Administrator
(707) 524-8324, - Marisol Vigil, Information Systems Support Specialist
(707) 524-2930,