Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education services at the Sonoma County Office of Education are focused on supporting the educational community working with children 0-5 years of age, with a goal of ensuring that all children have the critical early learning foundation to experience school success.
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Advancing Language Acquisition
Training and coaching in specific strategies for interacting with English learner children is provided to preschool teachers via the Teachers Acquiring Language Learner Knowledge (TALLK) project with a goal of encouraging language development among preschoolers in their home language and in English.
Countywide Coordination and Planning
Assessment of local needs and priorities, leadership development, collaboration and partnership facilitation, and advocacy to promote and plan for quality early childhood education services are provided by the Child Care Planning Council (CCPC), a state-legislated body comprised of community representatives and stakeholders.
Professional Development for Preschool Teachers
Professional development and technical assistance for preschool teachers and administrators is provided via the regional California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN). Guidance, support, and a stipend reward to child care professionals working to advance their education is provided by Sonoma Quality Counts Pathways, a program of the Child Care Planning Council.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Network
The TK Network provides support for districts, schools, and local educators implementing TK programs in compliance with the Kindergarten Readiness Act.