Title III English Learner Program Annual Survey 2018 Fiscal Year 2017–18
Date: 08/14/2018
Author: Belinda Soto
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III, Part A, Section 3121, requires each Title III English Learner Program sub-grantee to report on language instruction programs and activities it conducts.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has created an online survey to comply with this requirement to report on the 2017–18 school year. The survey relates to the implementation of language instruction programs in your local educational agency during the 2017–18 school year, whether or not paid for with Title III funds.
As the consortium lead, SCOE is required to submit a survey for each consortium member.
Please complete the attached survey and submit it to Belinda Soto at bsoto@scoe.org, no later than September 14th.
Title III English Learner Program Annual Survey 2018.docx