Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma County Co-op News

Sonoma County Co-op News

This page provides news, information, and resources for district representatives who are part of the Sonoma County Cooperative (Co-op).

Title III English Learner Program Annual Survey 2018 Fiscal Year 2017–18

Date: 08/14/2018
Author: Belinda Soto

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III, Part A, Section 3121, requires each Title III English Learner Program sub-grantee to report on language instruction programs and activities it conducts.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has created an online survey to comply with this requirement to report on the 2017–18 school year. The survey relates to the implementation of language instruction programs in your local educational agency during the 2017–18 school year, whether or not paid for with Title III funds. 

As the consortium lead, SCOE is required to submit a survey for each consortium member. 

Please complete the attached survey and submit it to Belinda Soto at, no later than September 14th. 

Title III English Learner Program Annual Survey 2018.docx

TItle III English Learner and Immigrant Student Program Subgrant Administration and Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2018-19

Date: 05/11/2018
Author: Belinda Soto

Eligibility criteria for Title III EL and Immigrant Student Programs 

Attached is the notification letter for the Title III English Learner Student Program Consortium eligible local educational agencies for fiscal year 2018-19.


LCAP Federal Addendum

Date: 04/17/2018
Author: Belinda Soto

 The LCAP Federal Addendum is still available on the Local Control and Accountability Plan Web page. The link has been moved under the heading “Other Planning Templates.” The link to access the LCAP Federal Addendum is included below:

 LCAP Federal Addendum


Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum (Addendum) Template:

Date: 03/28/2018
Author: Belinda Soto

The following information pertains to the March 26, 2018 announcement of the posting of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum (Addendum) Template:

Local educational agencies (LEAs) that apply for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds will be required to complete an LCAP Federal Addendum Template and the Consolidated Application (ConApp) in addition to the LCAP. LEAs will be required to complete and submit the Addendum for the 2018-19 school year.

  • The Addendum Template was approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) on March 14, 2018. (For additional details, see Item 12 of the SBE’s Agenda for March 2018 Web page at
  • Addendums will be submitted directly to the California Department of Education (CDE).
  • Addendums will not be submitted to county offices of education in conjunction with LCAP submissions.
  • Submission procedures and timelines are to be determined.
  • The CDE anticipates convening a Readers’ Conference in late September or early October to review and approve the Addendums.

Program guidance is expected to be provided from the specific ESSA program offices and to be made available by mid-April. Training will follow the provision of program guidance.

The Local Control and Accountability Plan Federal Addendum has been posted on the CDE’s Web site, and can be found here:

We regret any confusion caused by the March 26, 2018 announcement of the posting of the Addendum Template.


Local Agency Systems Support Office

California Department of Education

1430 N Street, Suite 5506

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901


Change in the availability of Title IV Part A Funding for 2017-18

Date: 02/07/2018
Author: Belinda Soto

Co-op Members,

Please be advised that the 2017-18 Title IV Part A Funding page that we've been working on in CARS, has been removed due to the availability of funds.

See attached letter from CDE.

Title IV Part A SSAE Program 2017-18 Funding letter

If you have any questions please contact Belinda Soto at


2017-18 Winter Release Data Collections With Summary of Changes

Date: 01/10/2018
Author: Belinda

CARS will be open and ready for data, Tuesday, January 16th.

If you have any questions please contact Belinda Soto at

Summary of Changes - 2017-18 Winter Release.docx


Disaster Services for Immigrants

Date: 10/30/2017
Author: Belinda Soto

We are reaching out to advise you about two important developments and resources for immigrants impacted by the wildfires.

 1. Guide to Disaster Assistance Services for Immigrant Californians

California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has published a guide to disaster relief services for immigrants. You can find the guide at

 2. Disaster CalFresh (Disaster SNAP) for Wildfire Survivors: Enrollment only available from Wednesday, October 25 – Wednesday November 1

Disaster CalFresh (D-CalFresh) is a one-time, one-month food assistance benefit for households impacted by the wildfires in Butte, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Sonoma and Yuba Counties. To be eligible, individuals must:

  • Have been residing or working in the disaster area at the time of the disaster;
  • Purchased or plan to purchase food during the benefit period;
  • Have experienced an adverse effect due to the disaster. 

Please note that social security numbers are not required to apply.

Additional eligibility information can be found at

Attached please find flyers with additional information about where and how individuals can apply for D-CalFresh along with the application and policy guidance.

Please distribute this information widely.

Questions should be referred to the California Department of Social Services.



Date: 08/11/2017
Author: Belinda Soto

Please click here to see the letter regarding the deadline extension for extracting demographics, English language acquisition status, program participation, enrollment, and exit data that will be used for the Fall 2017 California School Dashboard.

CBEDS Fall 2017 Significant Dates, Coordinator Responsibilities, and Contact Updates

Date: 07/17/2017
Author: Belinda Soto


The California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data collection is a required data collection administered in order to meet federal and state reporting mandates. The purpose of this letter is to notify local educational agencies (LEAs) of the significant dates for the fall 2017 CBEDS data collection, to inform LEAs of their CBEDS data reporting responsibilities, and to request any necessary updates to CBEDS Coordinators’ contact information.
Significant Dates
Information Day is Wednesday, October 4, 2017. On this day, each LEA is responsible for collecting aggregate classified staff, school, and district demographic data. The deadline to submit these data is October 31, 2017. Data must be submitted through the CBEDS Online Reporting Application (ORA; CBEDS-ORA). If data are not received by the October 31 deadline, superintendents and charter school administrators will be notified of their late (or non-submission) status via an e-mail notification on November 1, 2017.
CBEDS Coordinator Responsibilities
It is the CBEDS Coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that its LEA is prepared to meet the CBEDS data reporting requirements. It is also the Coordinator’s responsibility to hold training sessions for LEA staff, to verify data, and to ensure that data for every school in the LEA (including charter schools reporting through their authorizing agencies) are electronically submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by the October 31 deadline.
Charter schools that elect to report their data independently will be responsible for submitting all data for their charter school directly to the CDE. For more information on policy related to charter schools’ reporting status, please visit the CDE CALPADS Charter Schools Web page at
CBEDS Coordinator Contact Information, User Name, and Password
Each LEA must designate a CBEDS Coordinator, who will be the CDE’s point of contact for any questions about the data submitted by the LEA. It is important to keep your CBEDS Coordinator information current, as it will be used to disseminate notifications and updates related to the CBEDS data collection. The CDE currently has the following contact information for your LEA CBEDS Coordinator. Please review the information, and make any appropriate updates through CBEDS-ORA on or before Friday, August 4, 2017.
District Name: Sonoma County Office of Education
Contact: Michael Juric, Ed.D.
Address: 5340 SKYLANE BLVD.
City/Zip: SANTA ROSA, 95403
Phone: 707-524-2729
Fax: 707-524-2950
To update your contact information:
  1. 1. Go to the CDE CBEDS-ORA Web site at:
  3. 2. Enter your user name and password and select the “Logon” button. User names and passwords will be provided in separate e-mails shortly after the sending of this letter. (Note: User names and passwords are case sensitive.)
  4. 3. Select the “Update User Information” option from the Main Menu.
  5. 4. Make the appropriate updates and submit the information.
Please note: An e-mail address is required in order to receive notifications regarding updates and certification of CBEDS data. If you oversee more than one district or independently reporting charter school, note that only one e-mail will be sent. If you need information for other entities, please contact the CBEDS/CDS Support office for assistance.
We look forward to working with your LEA as you prepare for the 2017–18 CBEDS data collection. Should you have any questions regarding the content of this letter, please contact the CBEDS/CDS Support Office by phone at 916-324-6738 or by e-mail at

2017-18 Co-op Agreement

Date: 06/26/2017
Author: Belinda Soto

If you wish to continue to receive services for the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 to the Categorical Cooperative with the Sonoma County Office of Education, please sign and return the attached Co-op Agreement by July 31, 2017.

 Have a great summer!

Accessibility Notice

The Sonoma County Office of Education is committed to making its online materials and information accessible to individuals of all abilities.

Individuals may obtain an alternate, accessible version of the content in these documents by contacting and by including a copy of the document as an attachment. If you are unable to attach a copy of the document, please indicate the document name and website location. SCOE staff will respond to your request within 2-business days.

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst