Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma County Co-op News Archive

CARS Winter 2015 Data Collections

Date: 01/04/2016
Author: Belinda Soto

2013-14 Data Collections (Reporting)

  • Title I, Part A Closeout 
  • Title II, Part A FY Expenditure and Close-Out Report, 27 months 
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Expenditures Report, 27 Months 
  • Title III, Part A LEP YTD Expenditures Report, 27 Months

2014-15 Data Collections

  • Economic Impact Aid Carryover 
  • Title I, Part A Carryover 
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Expenditures Report, 18 Months
  • Title III, Part A LEP YTD Expenditures Report, 18 Months

2015-16 Data Collections

  •  School Student Counts, Actuals
  •  EIA Local Educational Agency (LEA) Reservations and School Allocations Calculation
  •  EIA School Allocations
  •  Federal Transferability
  •  Title I, Part A Notice of Authorization of Schoolwide Program
  •  Title I, Part A LEA Allocations
  •  Title I, Part A LEA Reservations, Required
  •  Title I, Part A LEA Reservations, Allowed
  •  Title I, Part A School Allocations
  •  Title I, Part A Program Improvement Midyear Activity and Expenditure Report
  •  Title I, Part D LEA Allocations and Reservations
  •  Title II, Part A LEA Allocations and Reservations
  •  Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Expenditures Report, 6 Months
  •  Title III, Part A LEP YTD Expenditures Report, 6 Months
  •  Title III, Part A Immigrant LEA Allocations
  •  Title III, Part A LEP LEA Allocations
  •  ESEA Administrative Fund Consolidation

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent