Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma County Co-op News Archive

CARS Data Collection Release: January 15, 2015

Date: 01/05/2015
Author: Belinda Soto

2012-13 Data Collection (Reporting)
  • Title I, Part A Closeout
  • Title II, Part A FY Expenditure and Close-Out Report, 27 months
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Obligation Report, 27 Months
  • Title III, Part A LEP YTD Obligation Report, 27 Months
2013-14 Data Collection
  • Economic Impact Aid Carryover
  • Title I, Part A Carryover
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Obligation Report, 18 Months
  • Title III, Part A LEP YTD Obligation Report, 18 Months
2014-15 Data Collection
  • School Student Counts, Actuals
  • EIA Local Educational Agency (LEA) Reservations and School Allocations Calculation
  • EIA School Allocations
  • Federal Transferability
  • Title I, Part A Notice of Authorization of Schoolwide Program
  • Title I, Part A LEA Allocations
  • Title I, Part A LEA Reservations, Required
  • Title I, Part A LEA Reservations, Allowed
  • Title I, Part A School Allocations
  • Title I, Part A Program Improvement Midyear Activity and Expenditure Report
  • Title I, Part D LEA Allocations and Reservations
  • Title II, Part A LEA Allocations and Reservations
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant YTD Obligation Report, 6 Months
  • Title III, Part A LEP YTD Obligation Report, 6 Months
  • Title III, Part A Immigrant LEA Allocations
  • Title III, Part A LEP LEA Allocations
  • ESEA Administrative Fund Consolidation

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student