Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma County Co-op News Archive

Preview of enrollment, EL and graduate data

Date: 02/04/2014
Author: Belinda Soto

District-Only Internet Viewing of the 2013-14 Enrollment and English Learner (EL) Data, and the 2012-13 Graduate, Dropout, and Cohort Outcome Data Derived from CALPADS Student-level Data

The 2013-14 enrollment and EL data and the 2012-13 graduate, dropout, and cohort outcome reports are now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) website exclusively to local educational agencies (LEAs) who certified their 2013-14 CALPADS Fall 1 submission by the December 17, 2013 certification deadline. To access these reports, please log on to the Enrollment, EL, Graduate, Dropout, and Cohort Outcome Private Preview website located at with the password “RAINYDAY”

In the past, official EL data were collected during the CALPADS Spring 1 submission; however, beginning in 2013–14, official EL counts were moved to the CALPADS Fall 1 submission, which is why EL data are included as part of this private preview. In addition to the EL report available in the preview, an EL filter has been added to all of the enrollment reports available in this preview.

These preliminary data are embargoed until the public release of the final data. Please do not provide the media or public with these data or access to the Internet site noted above before we publically release the information, otherwise we will not be able to provide an early release to districts in the future.

Correction Process and Schedule

In order to give LEAs a chance to review the information and submit student-level SSID corrections, the preliminary enrollment, EL, graduate, dropout, and cohort outcome data will not be released initially to the public. The data release schedule, which includes a review and correction opportunity, is as follows:

  • 2/3/2014 – Private preview Internet site posted for LEAs to review enrollment, EL, graduate, dropout, and cohort outcome data for those LEAs that certified the 2013–14 CALPADS Fall 1 submission by the December 17, 2013 certification deadline.
  • 3/21/2014 – Deadline for LEAs serving grades 9-12 to review and make corrections to the 2012–13 cohort data in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) before the first public release of these data.
  • 4/23/2014 – Private viewing site will be made available for LEAs to preview the public release of enrollment, EL, graduate, dropout, and cohort outcomedata.
  • 4/28/2014 – Public release of enrollment, EL, graduate, dropout, and cohort outcome data.

This is an opportunity for LEAs to review their aggregate data before making public.

  • If your LEA has already certified its data and no corrections are necessary, no further action is required.
  • If your LEA has certified its data by the December 17, 2013 certification deadline, but corrections to 2013–14 enrollment or EL counts, or 2012–13 graduate or dropout counts are necessary, then please contact the CALPADS Service Desk using the contact information listed below to make corrections.

Differences Between CALPADS Dropout and Preview Reports

Unlike CALPADS, the preview reports include all certified charter school data in a district, including those charter schools authorized by the district and designated as an independent reporting charter (IRC) school for CALPADS data submission purposes.


If you need assistance correcting your CALPADS data or have questions about the data or process used to calculate any of the rates, please contact the CALPADS service desk. The preferred method for reaching the service desk is through the web form or through email:

  1. In CALPADS> Help > Service Request
  2. Or via email to

If you have any questions, contact the Data Reporting Office at 916-327-0219 or by email at

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst