Sonoma County Office of Education

ESS Department News Archive

Staff Assistance Needed with New Website!

Date: 08/02/2019
Author: Stacie

As you may have read, SCOE will be unveiling a new look for the SCOE website this month! In advance of the unveiling, Jamie is hoping for staff assistance in two areas:

Employee Testimonials

Jamie is seeking volunteer employees who would be willing to be featured in a brief "employee testimonial" on the new SCOE website. These features are designed to illustrate what a great place SCOE is to work. 

You can see an example at the bottom of this web page:

Doing a testimonial would simply involve reaching out to Jamie to schedule time for a picture (photo release required) and to capture a brief statement (either be about how much they enjoy working at SCOE, how they like serving students, or something more specific that illustrates what their department does for kids). All staff at any level are invited to do this!

Staff are also encouraged to share this opportunity with any parents, students, or school employees who might be interested in sharing their input on SCOE from an "outsider" perspective. Jamie needs those too!


Reviewing the New Website

Jamie is also looking for some staff to do some quality control testing on the new site, which can be viewed here: At this point, almost all the content is laid out, and only stylistic tweaks remain. To test it out, please feel free to use the new site as you would the old one, trying to find things you need for your daily business. And then please let Jamie know about any issues, including but not limited to the following: 

Hierarchy: Something seems to be missing from a section of the site, or seems to be in the wrong spot. 

Design: Something looks amiss with the new design. You're having trouble reading certain fonts, a table isn't displaying right, page organization doesn't seem quite right, etc. 

Content: Typos, misspellings, wording that doesn't sound right. 

Accessibility: Anything that seems like it would be difficult for a person with a disability using the site.

Other: Suggestions for pictures to be added to certain pages, something that used to be easy to find is now hard to find, etc. 

*As a note, the search bar will still take you to a results page on the old site. This will update automatically when the site launches.


If you're able to assist in either area, please connect with Jamie. Thank you!

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst