Sonoma County Office of Education

ESS Department News Archive

2021-22 Year End Requests

Date: 05/17/2022
Author: Stacie

We’re almost at the end of another school year! As we near the traditional summer break period of time, please review the following items:

All ID Staff

  • Out of Office Time: Any staff (classified or certificated) taking vacation / non-work days over the summer should clearly mark their Google calendars and enter their absence into AESOP. Please enter your away time in AESOP as soon as possible to allow ample time for review and approval of vacation / non-work day requests. Clearly marking your Google calendar and entering all absences into AESOP enables us to answer questions regarding staff availability and location. 
  • Cal Cards: The submission requirements for Cal Cards do not change over the summer. Please plan to submit your Cal Card receipts to Tara by the normal deadlines in June, July, and August so that we can process the statements.
  • Web Updates: Please consider what website updates your assigned page(s) might need so that you’re able to work with Admin and IT to update your section(s) of the SCOE website by July. More details about this process will be shared soon.  
  • Events: We know there are still some unknowns about what events may look like in 2022/23. For now, please proceed with planning events that you know will occur in some fashion. Event planning forms for 2022-23 events scheduled between July-November should be submitted as soon as possible. Staff should make sure that all events occurring between July-November are posted online by mid-June. Student Event information needs to be submitted by June 1st. Please remember that the last Thursday “Instructional Division Upcoming Events” eblast of the year is scheduled for June 2. To include your summer and/or 2022-23 events, make sure to submit a form by 12pm on Wednesday, May 25!!!
  • Year-End Fiscal Closing: Classified staff and budget coordinators received an invitation to the Year-End Closing workshop hosted by Business. The process for closing out POs, invoices, and budgets will be reviewed at this workshop. Please make sure to review the timeline that will be distributed at the workshop and adhere to any deadlines set by Business.
  • Supplemental Employee HRAs: HRAs for supplemental employees (including event presenters / SCOE Trainers) do not carry over into the new fiscal year and are not automatically processed. If you plan to hire a supplemental employee in 2022-23 to support your content area or event (i.e. trainers, event judges, coaches, facilitators, teacher-leader presenters, etc), please submit a HRA Request Form to Stacie by June 30th. 

Certificated Staff

  • Contracts for Certificated Management: The 2022-23 contracts for SCOE employee certificated management staff will be sent out by HR. Certificated staff should make sure to submit the signed contract according to the timeline that will be provided by HR.
  • Work Calendars for Certificated Staff: Stacie has shared a personalized Google Doc work calendar template with each ESS certificated team member. As a reminder, STRS rules dictate that you work at least 1 day in each month (including July). Once you've completed your calendar, please notify Stacie via email (please complete your calendar no later than Friday, June 3rd!).

 Thanks in advance for your cooperation with these requests.

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student