Sonoma County Office of Education

Frequently Asked Questions

Are teachers required to have eight years of full time teaching experience or are part-time teachers eligible? Are the eight years required to be within California?

Nominees are required to be a fully credentialed classroom teacher for at least eight years, full or part-time, in any state. The eight years begins when they were first in the classroom as a fully credentialed teacher.

Can the eight years of teaching include substitute teaching if the teacher was fully credentialed?


When is the applicant required to have completed the minimum eight year teaching requirement?

Prior to the state level application being submitted to the California Department of Education, which is typically in August each year.

Does a nominee need to be currently teaching? What if they are currently teaching, but will be retired during their TOTY duties?

The nominees must be assigned to teach students in the current academic year and must be assigned to teach students for the following year in which they are nominated to be a Teacher of the Year. Nominee must be employed full-time.

If a teacher is fully credentialed, but is currently working as a speech and language pathologist, librarian, or Resource Specialist Program (RSP) teacher, do they qualify if they have the minimum years teaching experience?

Yes, as long as they meet all minimum requirements: fully credentialed, in the classroom for at least eight years (full- or part-time), and teaching students is their primary responsibility. Nominees must be employed full-time

Are Pre-K teacher’s eligible?

Teachers who teach any grade PreK-12 are eligible if they are fully credentialed.

Are credentialed teachers who only teach online courses eligible for Teachers of the Year?

Yes, as long as they meet the minimum requirements: fully credentialed, in the classroom for at least eight years (full- or part-time), and teaching students is their primary responsibility.