Sonoma County Office of Education

Image & Video Resources

Audio, Image & Video Resources

In the age of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), all schools that receive federal funds are required to filter student Internet content. Educators and students often encounter problems when they try to acquire multimedia resources for use in presentations, projects, and assignments. Copyright laws also pose challenges to legal and appropriate use of multimedia found on the Web. This page has been developed to provide links that can help reduce random searches and connection attempts to blocked or inappropriate content.

Disclaimer: Read all guidelines for copyright and resource use at each website. SCOE cannot vouch for content appropriateness or curriculum relevance of all content on the linked sites.

Citing Electronic Information, from ipl2 | Link
Images or pictures that you decide to use in presentations or research papers must be cited. Only those that are obtained from royalty free clip art, such as the clip art available in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint do not need citing. Any items obtained from the Web or scanned from a print source should be attributed to the owner of the copyrighted work.

General Collections

American Memory Collections | Link
The Library of Congress American Memory collection provides sound recordings, films, additional high-resolution images, and text with enhanced navigation. Just as you need special equipment to play videotapes, cassettes, or CDs at home, you need special viewers to see and hear these historical materials.

Library of Congress | Link
Want to learn more about an American Memory collection? We can help. Collection Connections provides activity ideas for using the collections to develop critical thinking skills. Access these materials by collection title in the alphabetical index.

National Archives: Teaching With Documents | Link
This section contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States, teaching activities correlated to the National History Standards and National Standards for Civics and Government, and cross-curricular connections.

Smithsonian Institution | Link
Home to the venerable Smithsonian collection online.

Utah Education Network | Link
The Utah Education Network is a consortium of public education partners, including the Utah System of Higher Education and its ten universities and colleges and Utah Electronic College; the Utah State Office of Education, local school districts and the Utah Electronic High School; and the state’s library system. These links provide access to Web sites with resources that educators can use in multimedia presentations.

Audio Collections | Link offers a diverse set of free royalty free music clips that can be used, without limitation, in educational, student and personal, not-for-profit projects, free of charge. The free royalty-free music clips on this special page change regularly and can be downloaded by educators, students, and individuals looking for high-quality background/production music to use in their projects.

Image Collections

New York Public Library | Link
Picture Collection Online (PCO) is a select group of images from The New York Public Library, Mid-Manhattan Library, Picture Collection. Since its creation in 1915, the Picture Collection has met the needs of New York’s large community of artists, illustrators, designers, teachers, students, and general researchers. Covering over 12,000 subjects, the Picture Collection is an extensive circulating collection and reference archive, the largest of its kind in any public library system.

Library of Congress | Link
Unique in their scope and richness, the Prints and Photographs collections today number over 13.6 million images. These include photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings. While international in scope, the collections are particularly rich in materials produced in, or documenting the history of, the United States and the lives, interests and achievements of the American people.

Pics4Learning | Link
Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers. Unlike many Internet sites, permission has been granted for teachers and students to use all of the images donated to the Pics4Learning collection.

Video Collections

Early Motion Pictures in America | Link
The Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (MBRS) has responsibility for the acquisition, cataloging and preservation of the motion picture and television collections. The Division operates the Motion Picture and Television Reading Room to provide access and information services to an international community of film and television professionals, archivists, scholars and researchers.

Library of Congress Moving Image Archives | Link
The U.S. Congress recently passed legislation creating the independent, nonprofit National Film Preservation Foundation, a public-private partnership to benefit the film preservation efforts of American film archives, historical societies and similar institutions.

Copyright Issues

Educators’ Guide to Copyright & Fair Use | Link
What follows is a new version of “The Educators’ Lean and Mean No FAT Guide to Fair Use,” published in Technology & Learning three years ago. You will learn that no matter the technology-photocopying, downloads, file sharing, video duplication-there are times when copying is not only acceptable, it is encouraged for the purposes of teaching and learning. And you will learn that the rights are strongest and longest at the place where educators need them most: in the classroom. However, schools need to monitor and enforce fair use. If they don’t, as the Los Angeles Unified School District found out in a six-figure settlement, they may find themselves on the losing end of a copyright question.

Copyright Quiz | Link
This is a practical quiz by educator and multimedia guru Hall Davidson ... and you can also access the quiz answers.

Fine Arts

Norton Simon Museum | Link
The Norton Simon Museum contains collections of 14th - 20th century art in various media.

Getty Museum: Explore Art | Link
Access the varied collections of the Getty Museum.

The Louvre | Link
Divided into seven departments, the Louvre collections incorporate works dating from the birth of the great antique civilizations right up to the first half of the 19th century.

History/Social Science

The History Place | Link
Images and other content related to historical subjects.


Botanical Society of America | Link
The Botanical Society of America has made a collection of approximately 800 images available for instructional use. Currently, there are 14 collections of images: Plant Geography, Plant Morphology, Phloem Development, Xylem Development, Floral Ontogeny, Lichens, Economic Botany, Carnivorous Plants, Organography, Pollen, Paleobotany, Plant Defense Mechanisms, Plant Anatomy, and Cellular Communication Channels.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Link
This site contains the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s online collection of public domain still photographs. The National Image Library contains still photo images of wildlife, plants, National Wildlife Refuges and other scenics, as well as wildlife management work. You may search all the images through the National Image Library, or you may search by individual collection. The Image Library is expanding to include images from collections in our various regions. The images have increased in file size, ranging from 150dpi to 300dpi.

Geological Society of London | Link
The Geological Society of London is the UK national society for geoscience. It exists to promote the geosciences and the professional interests of UK geoscientists. The Picture Library consists of a number of themed galleries, each of which will take you to a page displaying a number of thumbnail pictures. Click on a thumbnail to download a high-resolution version suitable for most print uses.

HubbleSource | Link
A growing collection of resources for educators, developers, interpreters, producers, and other professionals in museums, planetaria, nature centers, observatory & park visitor centers, and other free choice learning venues. One component of the public outreach effort at the Space Telescope Science Institute.

International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses | Link
Virus images and diagrams used at the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.

Human Genome Project | Link
Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project was a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. The project originally was planned to last 15 years, but rapid technological advances accelerated the completion date to 2003. Project goals were to: identify all the approximate 20,000 - 25,000 genes in human DNA; determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA; store this information in databases; improve tools for data analysis; transfer related technologies to the private sector; and, address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.

Iowa State University: Entomology | Link
Entomologists at Iowa State University have engaged in teaching, research, and extension for more than a century. Professor Herbert Osborn taught the nation’s first entomology course in 1880, beginning a tradition of excellence in basic and applied entomology. This collection contains thousands of images in entomology related topics.

National Science Foundation | Link
This Library was created to help the science, engineering, and education communities as well as the general public, obtain quality images, video, audio and more for use in print and electronic media. The media in the library represent some of the areas of science the Foundation supports.

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Link
The NOAA collection spans centuries of time and much of the natural world from the center of the Earth to the surface of the Sun. The NOAA collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of our shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from the great whales to the most minute plankton. The geographic range of NOAA work encompasses polar region to polar region and much of the World’s oceans. Links to other photo sites from NOAA’s Photo Library are also available.

NASA | Link
This Web page is an attempt to bring as many of NASA’s still images as we can find to one location. This is not a unified searchable data base, though some of these collections have search capability. Note: Some of these image archives are geared toward researchers rather than the general public and may require fast Internet connections and extensive memory. These links are included with more generally accessible archives to more accurately present the broad range of NASA’s research programs. Some of these collections also may partially duplicate others.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) | Link
The Photographic Information eXchange (PIX) collection consists of renewable energy and energy efficiency technology photographs. The collection was developed and is maintained for the Department of Energy (DOE) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado.

Department of Agriculture: Plants | Link
The PLANTS Gallery provides selected images of U.S. plants. The images in PLANTS are free for scientific and educational uses provided the photographer (if known), copyright holder, institution, and the PLANTS Database are properly credited.

Smithsonian Science Service: Historical Images | Link
The images on this website and their original captions have been donated by Science Service and are presented to you as they appeared in period publications. The captions were written by Science Service journalists and have been transcribed exactly. Although these images are protected by copyright, we encourage you to use them for academic and non-commercial pursuits.

Butterfly Website | Link
These galleries contain butterfly and moth images from a variety of sources. In most cases, a small picture is included for speed of transmission, and a larger picture is available by clicking on the small picture.

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent