Sonoma County Office of Education

Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools Statement on Calls to Restrict Cellphones at Public Schools

08/13/2024 -

Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Amie Carter released the following statement Tuesday after calls from Gov. Gavin Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond to restrict the use of cellphones at public schools:

Today’s statements from Governor Newsom and State Superintendent Thurmond acknowledge what we all know to be true. Cellphones are often an unwanted distraction that can negatively impact student learning if not managed properly.

We have already seen at least eight states take action to limit the use of phones during school hours, and this is an important conversation as the technology continues to evolve.

While I agree that Sonoma County’s public schools should seriously consider restricting the use of cellphones by students during instructional time, that decision must carefully consider any potential impacts on campus safety and culture at the site level.

We have seen students suffer real-time bullying over social media while at school, and educators have struggled to keep up with misuses of artificial intelligence in the absence of schoolwide policies. While schools alone cannot solve the negative ways in which students’ devices can impact their mental health, we can do our part to ensure that school is a safe haven for our students.

That said, many campus safety plans or emergency response procedures rely on students’ ability to quickly text their families information during an emergency at or near their schools. In crafting new cellphone policies, school leaders may need time to develop alternate safety protocols or tools to quickly notify families of an emergency. I’m heartened to see our state leaders take up this cause and hope the discussion in Sacramento gives our districts and sites ample time to implement sensible policies that improve student safety and well-being.