Sonoma County Office of Education

SCOE Seeks an Alternate Personnel Commissioner

05/18/2024 -

The Sonoma County Office of Education is seeking a qualified applicant to fill the position of Alternate Personnel Commissioner. The Personnel Commission is a non-partisan public body responsible for the administration of the “Merit System” for the selection, retention and promotion of classified employees in public school districts. (Classified employees are school employees who do not hold a teaching credential, a broad category that includes maintenance and custodial staff; information technology support, administrative assistants, financial analysts, communications staff, and others.)

Alternate Personnel Commissioner is a volunteer position that receives no salary but is paid a stipend of $50 per meeting, with a monthly maximum of $100.00. Commissioners are reimbursed for mileage and have access to group health benefits at their own expense. A complete description of duties, overview of the recruitment process and recruitment application are available at this link. Please call 707-524-2724 with questions.