County Superintendent Issues Statement in Response to Governor's Updated Budget Proposal
05/15/2020 -
Steve Herrington, Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools, today released the following statement in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom's updated budget proposal, which was announced on Thursday, May 14:
"Gov. Newsom made clear in his press conference today that schools are a priority in this very difficult budget, and we are grateful for that. Despite this, the severity of the shortfall that California faces this coming year means that schools will face incredible financial challenges.
"SCOE and local school districts run many programs, including CTE, workforce development, teacher development, and special education preschool initiatives, that could see significant cuts as a result of certain grants or funding categories being scaled back.
"In addition, all school districts will see a 10 percent cut in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding that makes up the bulk of their budgets. These cuts will pose tremendous challenges at a time when districts are already underfunded and being asked to undertake costly social distancing measures while also contending with declining enrollment.
"While these challenges are considerable, I have confidence that local school leaders will do everything they can do to ensure that all students receive the best education possible in the year ahead. Now more than ever, our public schools are a critical component of the fabric of our society. Until school campuses reopen, our workforce cannot return and the economy cannot begin to rebound.
"SCOE will be working closely with school districts to help them identify the best ways to balance their budgets while protecting core student services and ensuring student/staff safety.
"I also strongly support the governor's call for Congress to pass the HEROES Act, which would help us avoid many of the reductions proposed yesterday."
The Governor's May Revise budget summary can be viewed on the Department of Finance budget website.