Sonoma County Office of Education

Raspberry Pi Coding Contest

Raspberry Pi Coding Contest

Raspberry Pi symbolThe Sonoma County Office of Education hosts an annual Raspberry Pi Coding Contest where high school aged students are challenged to use low-cost ($35) credit card sized computers, Raspberry Pi’s, to design and create.

Event Details

The 2018 Raspberry Pi Contest (originally scheduled for Jan. 20) has been cancelled.

Getting Started

Excellent online resources to guide learning about Raspberry Pi's include: Raspberry Pi | Adafruit | Tinker Nut.

Raspberry Pi Coding Contest Awards

Each team will be recognized for their entry in this year's event. In addition, the following awards will be offered based on the judgment of a multidisciplinary team from education and industry:

  • Grand Prize Award- A trophy for the entry that best represents the spirit of the event demonstrating excellence in teamwork, mechanical design, programming, and performance.

  • Genius Programmer Award- Awarded to the entry that demonstrates the best use of programming in their project.

  • Holiday Spirit Award- Awarded to the entry which best conveys the spirit of fun, wonder, humor & joy during the holidays.

  • Nikola Tesla Award- Awarded to the entry best demonstrating visionary design and engineering.

Contest entries will be judged using this criteria along with others specific to the 2018 event:

  • Cost- does not exceed $400; contestants need to display a chart or spreadsheet with itemized elements & costs for their entry

  • Theme focused- the creation conveys the holiday spirit of fun, wonder, humor & joy

  • Programming- a flow chart and description of the program(s) are offered to help others replicate

  • Coding Elegance- Continued work with a successful program to simplify and organize processes for others to see and understand; documented work establishing 'elegance'

  • Inspiration- the project inspires others to be makers with Raspberry Pi elements

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources