Sonoma County Office of Education

Legislative Policies

Legislative Policies

California Foster Care Education Law Factsheet
California Foster Care Education Law Fact Sheets, Fifth Edition (pdf) is produced by the California Foster Youth Education Task Force. It provides information related to legislation and education issues impacting students in the foster care system. Topics include:

  • Assembly Bill 490: School Stability and Timely Transfer of Records
  • Education Rights
  • Assembly Bill 167: Graduation Requirements
  • Early Care and Education
  • Education Services for Transition Age Youth
  • Special Education
  • School Discipline

School Discipline Notices for Foster Youth (AB 1909)
The California Foster Youth Education Task Force shares template letters that attorneys, educational rights holders, and child welfare agency representatives can use to request school discipline-related notices for foster children. These templates support the requirements of AB 1909, which became effective on January 1, 2013. The intent of the law is to decrease disproportionate use of school discipline against foster children and youth.

Sonoma County Standing Orders:
Release/Sharing of Education Records (pdf)
Release/Sharing of Mental and Health Records (pdf)

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources