SCOE IT - Escape Team
Danielle Boettner, Angie Duplicki, Tracy Lehmann, Kimberly Lingle - Business Systems Support Analysts

January 2023
“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.”
— Hal Borland
SCOE IT/Business Calendar of Events
2022 1099 Due to SCOE - January 6, 2023
2022 W2 Due to SCOE - January 9, 2023
2022 ACA Due to SCOE - January 31, 2023

Frontline/Escape Learning Opportunities
Register for Frontline Gather: ERP for California User Conference Now!Pricing will increase after January 15, 2023!
March 21–22, 2023 | Oakland, California
Whether you are a new user or you have been using ERP California for years, we have something for you. Take a break from the day-to-day grind and join us for a chance to collaborate and learn from Frontline ERP experts, other California districts, and County Offices of Education (COEs)!
Day 1: March 21st
Human Resources/Payroll Track
Interoperability Track
Day 2: March 22nd
Finance Track
Interoperability Track
Click here for details on our sessions
Plus, on both days we will have a Frontline Showcase area where you can: Meet 1:1 with Frontline Subject Matter Experts & learn more about all our solutions for K-12! Click here to register.
Helpful Reports in Escape
Pay60- ACA Measurement Period (for Districts with more than 50 FTE employees)
This report helps employers ensure that they are meeting the requirements for the shared responsibility for employer’s portion of the Affordable Care Act. The report provides detail on employees and substitutes who have worked over a specified period of time (measurement period). If the employee meets the requirements for being considered full-time during the measurement period, the employee must be treated as a full-time employee for benefits purposes for a subsequent "stability period."This report considers employee setup, pay detail, and overrides entered via the Employee ACA activity.
General Ledger Mid-Year Cleanup Working Session with SCOE Fiscal Advisor
- January 20th, 9am - 11am (in person only)
If you would like to attend please let your Fiscal Advisor know.
Get ready to work with your Fiscal Advisors. Research your Prior Year Payables and Receivables, they should have been cleared by now. Run the Fiscal02 to find any outstanding. Refer to the Year-End Closing Manual.

Go to Finance – Reports – Fiscal – Fiscal02
- Fiscal Year: 2022 {2021/2022}
- Unposted JE?: Yes – Include unposted JE
- Assets and Liabilities: Yes – Include – change Object filtering
- Object: 9210,9510 (use comma no space)
- Click Go to generate the report

Print Copy of Employee W2
Go to HR/Payroll - Processing - Tax Reporting - Employee W2
If you want to print a copy of an individual employee’s W2, you can open their record from the Employee W2 activity and select the Print Employee Copy Form task. The message printed (indicating it is a reprint and not an original or a change) is defined in the Organization record.

Employee Portal
Print Copy of Employee W2
A copy of the W2 Form can be downloaded and printed by the employee via the Employee Portal.

- Click My Payroll
- Payroll History Tab
- Click Download or View W2