Sonoma County Office of Education

Employee Spotlight: Sheri Roberge

05/17/2024 - Sheri Roberge

Sheri Roberge

Years at SCOE:
I have worked for SCOE for 23 years, the last six of which have been with the SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area). We are actually two SELPAs: Sonoma County SELPA and Sonoma County Charter SELPA.

Job Title:
Data Specialist, SELPA:

How do you describe your job to people who work in education?
I provide technical and data support for Special Education Information System (SEIS), an online IEP (individualized education plan) writing system. It is also used for reporting special education data to the state. I oversee the reporting process, provide guidance, and analyze the data before it is certified for 82 local educational agencies. I absolutely love my job and all the wonderful district staff who I work with.

How do you describe your job to people outside SCOE?
I support school districts with special education data and how that data is reported to the state.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Southern California. I moved to Sonoma County in 1988 and am so glad I did. Sonoma County is so beautiful.

Who was your favorite childhood teacher and why?
Mrs. Lewis, my 6th-grade teacher. She was so kind and encouraging and sparked my love to read.

What is your favorite thing about SCOE?
The people who work here. Everyone is so kind and helpful. I’m so happy our SELPA office moved to SCOE. It’s nice to be back!

What is one of your most memorable moments as a SCOE employee?
My first job with SCOE was as a teaching assistant in a transition class (18- to 22-year-olds). We taught the students the importance of community and giving back when you can. We volunteered once a week at Redwood Empire Food Bank, rain or shine. I have so many fond memories of the students appreciating and understanding food insecurities and how they could help. It filled my heart. When I started working in the office at SCOE, I was delighted to learn that SCOE staff volunteered at the food bank, too. I immediately signed up, and continue to participate to this day. We volunteer on the second Tuesday of each month for two hours in the evening. It’s amazing how much a couple of hours can do to help. Please join me! You can bring your family and friends.

Outside of work, what is your favorite hobby or way to unwind?
I love to unwind by going for a run or a hike. There’s nothing like the outdoors.

Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or book that involves a school setting?
One of my favorite books is "Educated" by Tara Westover.

What is your favorite place in Sonoma County?
Annadel State Park. They have 35 miles of trails with spectacular views. Sonoma County has amazing regional parks, too!

What might people be surprised to learn about you?
In my youth, I used to barefoot water ski. My family did not have a boat, but I had many friends who did. We would go to the Colorado River just about every weekend. Back then, I would water ski until my knees swelled.