Sonoma County Office of Education

Employee Spotlight: Sarah French

05/30/2023 - Sarah French

Sarah French

Years at SCOE:
18+ years. For the majority of my SCOE career, I worked as a School Office Coordinator in the Special Education Department. Within the last year, I’ve taken a new role within the Facilities and Operations team. It’s been a fun transition from supporting students and staff on a school site, to helping facilitate operations in the background, so to speak. I feel fortunate for the opportunity to support in a new capacity.

Job Title:
Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance Department Assistant and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator.

How do you describe your job to people outside SCOE?
I support students and staff in our county by helping in any way I can. Like most who work in education, we wear many different hats! From scheduling and paperwork, to work orders and water leaks. I feel excited for the adventure each day brings. :)

Where did you grow up?
I was born in Daly City, CA, and lived in San Francisco as a young child. In elementary school, we moved up north to Sonoma County, and I’ve been here ever since.

Who was your favorite childhood teacher and why?
Mrs. Pickett, my fourth grade teacher at Waldo Rohnert Elementary School. Mrs. Pickett was unique, eccentric and — most memorably — so fun! She taught with music, art, culture, and creativity. Her infectious energy and enthusiasm for learning are some of the reasons I was inspired to work in education.

What is your favorite thing about SCOE?
The people! I have had the pleasure of working with so many amazing people over the years.

What is one of your most memorable moments as a SCOE employee?
I can’t think of any one moment that stands out.

Outside of work, what is your favorite hobby or way to unwind?
I am definitely a crazy plant lady! LOL. I have 80+ houseplants, and keeping them happy and healthy is a full-time job, but it is a wonderful way for a busy-bee like myself to relax and unwind. Studies show they boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants — making for a healthier, happier you. My collection started with succulents and spider plants. However, it’s grown to be quite the indoor jungle with over 30+ varieties of plants.

Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or book that involves a school setting?
I can’t think of any.

What is your favorite place in Sonoma County?
Nature is my happy place! Outside of work, you’ll find me hiking along the coast or at one of our beautiful, local parks. When the suns shining, there’s no place I’d rather be than soaking up the sun at the river.

What might people be surprised to learn about you?
I used to sing opera!