Framework Snapshots & Vignettes
The ELA/ELD Framework offers a glimpse into classroom instruction through the use of snapshots and vignettes. Snapshots provide a quick overview of classroom instruction and are short in length. Vignettes provide a closer look at classroom instruction by giving details and summarizing dialogue. The Framework contains various types of snapshots and vignettes, but the ones referenced below highlight Integrated and Designated ELD.
Please note: SCOE has extracted these snapshots from a much larger document produced by the California Department of Education as a service to our users. You can see the entire document here. Any difficulties accessing the content within the documents should be directed to the CDE.
- Integrated ELD | All teachers with English learners in their classrooms use the ELD Standards in tandem with the focal Common Core Standards for English-Language Arts and other content standards.
- Designated ELD | A protected time during the regular school day when teachers use the ELD Standards as the focal standards in ways that build into and from content instruction in order to develop the critical language that English Learners need for content learning in English.